Evaluation Paper

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Anna Moore

Dr. Burke
Comp 111W-B
October 21, 2015

The Case That was Sexual Harassment

Ms. Asher is facing sexual harassment in the work place. These
men have made slanderous remarks and inappropriate comments on
her body and that should not be tolerated and is prohibited under the
policy enforced by the Galaxy Oil Company in regard to sexual
harassment. The men at Galaxy Oil Company are not only making Ms.
Asher uncomfortable but is also affecting her ability to preform the
requirements of her job because of the inappropriate remarks,
aggressive behavior, and all violates the sexual harassment policy
Galaxy Oil Company set in place.
The men going out to dinner without inviting Ms. Asher is
unfriendly and rude, but it is not sexual harassment. Although this may

hurt Ms. Ashers feeling and prove that these men are unkind to her, it
does not fall under the category of sexual harassment. Choosing whom
you hang out with is part of life, and nowhere in the Galaxy Oil Company
sexual harassment policy.
Although vulgar slang and curse words maybe are frowned upon
or rude, it is not a conduct of sexual nature and there is no Galaxy Oil
Company in place that could legally be used against these men. This
language may be normal for everyday life at Galaxy Oil Company, and
this matter could be addressed under something other than sexual
harassment. Vulgar language is crude and could be considered
inappropriate for work, but it is not used in a derogatory or sexual
manner and cannot fall under sexual harassment in this case.
A more serious incident that put Ms. Asher in an uncomfortable
position is when she decided to speak up to the other male employees
at Galaxy Oil Company. They attempted to intimidate Ms. Asher by
printing out naked photos of men and putting them on her desk after she

commented that the photos of naked women made her uncomfortable

and she doesnt like them around the work place. This malicious attack
on Ms. Asher was offensive and therefore falls under the sexual
harassment clause in the policy Galaxy Oil Company. The pornographic
photographs interfered with her work environment because she felt
intimidated and objectified. These pictures distracted her mentally and
physically because she had to think about them and also dispose of
them off of her desk to even begin to work. They were an intimidation
play by her male employees.
Describing in great detail a sexual encounter is not sexual
harassment, but with the question a fellow coworker proposed to Ms.
Asher, the line between conversation and sexual harassment was
crossed. Asking Ms. Asher if she would enjoy the sexual favors he was
describing put her in an inappropriate and intimidating situation. Asking
Ms. Asher if she would enjoy that is completely inappropriate and should
not be tolerated in a company who values productivity because Ms.

Ashers ability to do her job is weakened because she cannot be

confident and comfortable in the workplace. Asking
Ms. Asher is an employee of Galaxy Oil company and the
company policy clearly states that sexual harassment is, creating a
significantly and unreasonably intimidating, hostile, or offensive work
environment, which is what Ms. Asher is experiencing from her boss
and her coworkers. The standard Galaxy Oil Company wants is that all
employees are able to effectively do their jobs in a comfortable,
supportive, and safe environment. The comments and inappropriate
gestures Ms. Asher is facing does not uphold those standards
American popular culture has allowed young women to see the
comments the men were making about her breasts and her body as
something that is normal and should be accepted because that is how
the world works and this is what to be expected from men. Media
outlets, TV shows, movies and the inequality between genders in
America encourage this attitude and allows for it to be tolerated. This

culture has increased the number of sexual assault cases. Ms. Asher
should not tolerate nor allow for such behavior not to be reported
immediately. These inappropriate remarks are not only unsuitable but
also intimidating and fall under sexual harassment. Galaxy Oil Company
policy covers intimidation factors and states, creating a significantly and
unreasonably intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, is
sexual harassment, which is exactly what the men are doing.
The men knew what they were doing to her, whether malicious or
not, and need to be let go. The fair thing to do for all parties involved is
to offer the workers a two week period to respectfully resign from their
jobs because although their behavior was inappropriate they did not
physically harm Ms. Asher and need to sever ties with Galaxy Oil
Company in order to maintain the companies reputation and make the
work environment for its employees healthy, productive, and respectful.

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