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To Overcome Frustrations

-Frustrations come from not satisfying your needs or wants through your own efforts.
-the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to
change or achieve something.

*Dont ignore it
-The pain of leaving it unchecked will increase and can lead to depression.

Ways to help overcome

Take action, find the source and do something about it.
Ex: Grades, if you are upset with your grades. Make a study plan to help maintain
a work load and to plan out the correct amount of time that you need to study for
each subject.
Figure out why you are frustrated, step back and figure out the cause of all
this madness. Maybe you have to much going on, maybe you overthink too
much, or maybe you just need to relax.
side note: I suggest taking yoga.
Accept the Reality of your frustration, if you have done everything in your
power to fix a situation and it continually fails then one should accept that there is
nothing you can do about it.
Take a walk, clear your head become one with nature.
Become optimistic, looking at situations in a different perspective can brighten up your
day in a healthier way.
Great brainstorm! 10/10 points. Below, I was playing with the Google Doc Add-ons.
May I show this in class on Monday?
Mrs. Scaife
academic performance anxiety (Chemers, Martin)
Many college freshmen struggle with time management (Richards 866).

Richards, J. M. A Factor Analytic Study Of the Self-Ratings of College Freshmen. Educational
and Psychological Measurement 26.4 (1966): 861870. Web.

Paragraphs on my topic
When it comes to college and the responsibilities of life, one can begin to have

frustrations. In this assignment I want to explain how frustrations are a major part in our lives
and how we can overcome them. I have began to endure a bunch on my own and I dont want
to let them overtake me. I have midterms right around the corner and I am already beginning to
stress out, and then that begins to frustrate me.
The main audience for my research would be college students. When we college
students begin to have to have to grow up and learn to take care of ourselves it begins to get
hard. And that frustrates us. We have to go to school, take notes, learn the material. We also
have to buy groceries, do laundry, clean our rooms. We have to grow up. What is probably the
most frustrating is money. Money has to be spent here and spent there. We eventually end up
broke and that is our lives for the next four years. The real question is are we gonna let these
frustrations take hold of us, or are we gonna overcome them.
Media I plan to use is a power point. I believe it is a key element in accomplishing this
assignment and can help to better understand the main topic. I will have research on some
slides and then pictures and exercises on others. I also intend to use a video to help explain my

Possible sources
New york times, news
google scholar
2 sentences on each source, on how it works for you.
due wednesday


This source helps me contain information on student gratification. Also helps give
information on high school seniors applying for college.
"Frustrated by Spending Priorities at Three Rivers Community College." CT Viewpoints.
N.p., 10 June 2015. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

I am very intrigued by this source, it explains how the students are frustrated with the
school they attend. In this article, students have put this website together to make a stand for
their frustrations with the college.
"Young Man Spared by Oregon Shooter given Two Tasks in Exchange for His Life."
Fox13nowcom. N.p., 06 Oct. 2015. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

Not sure this websource is gonna help me with my assignment but there is a quote that I
would like to use. The gunman handed Matthew an envelope containing a flash drive. Law
enforcement officials said the flash drive contained the shooters writings, which detailed his
frustrations in life.
This article has little information but does give me three major frustrations among college
students. It also explains the college aggression of frustrations between male and female.
"Physical Aggression in Relation to Different Frustrations." APA PsycNET. N.p., n.d.
Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

Start out with explaining frustrations, give definition, and possibly some
causes of frustrations.

To Overcome Frustrations
-Frustrations come from not satisfying your needs or wants through your own efforts.
-the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve

Add a couple of slides about my own frustrations.

Talk about how im frustrated with how much money college cost. I thought I had college
covered with having a scholarship, but no. I worry so much about money and the fact that all the
money that im am using for college is all from my savings. Over the summer I set up my
savings account to save money just for nursing school. Now with me having 17 hours I have no
money in my savings for nursing school. Im so frustrated with this situation, I am nursing major
and i want to do is help us be in the medical field.

Make slides for what others struggle with in college frustrations.

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