100 Days and 100 Ways To Pray For Upward Basketball and Cheer 2015-2016

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100 Days and 100 Ways

to Pray for
Upward Basketball and

11 - DAY ONE!!! Pray for Gods blessing, anointing, and power this season! Prepare us, Lord! Be glorified!
12 - Pray for Charlene Skaggs, our league commissioner! Pray for strength, creativity, passion and purpose.
13 - Pray for the Body of Christ in Russell County gathered to worship today. Come expecting Jesus!
14 - Pray for Jana Bowmer and Lacey Pritchard, our cheer coordinators. Pray for an outpouring of joy and
15 - Pray for Donald Galito, our devotions coordinator. Pray for volunteers willing to share the Gospel.
16 - Pray for John Meincken, our referee coordinator. Pray for this years officials.
17 - Pray for Marisa Ramsey, our prayer coordinator and for the hundreds of prayer partners, like yourself,
who are covering this ministry in prayer daily this season. Stand in the gap! Intercede!
18 - Pray for our concessions coordinators at each church. Pray for willing volunteers and a spirit of
hospitality and goodness!!!
19 - Pray for the details. Pray that scheduling, equipment distribution, etc. goes smoothy.
20 - Pray for pastors and worship leaders who will lead the Body of Christ in worship today.
21 - Pray for love to fill each home as kids are at home during Christmas break.
22 -Pray for parents. Pray that Upward will help parents as they raise their children in the faith.
23 - Pray for coaches as they prepare for the first week of practices. Pray for passion and purpose!
24 - Pray for prepared hearts. God prepare us to welcome your Son and our Savior.
25 - Merry Christmas! Welcome Immanuel, God with us! Offer prayers of thanks and worship today to Jesus.
To us a child is born. To us a Son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace.
26 -Pray for this seasons players and cheerleaders. Some of them will meet Jesus for the first time this year.
27 - Pray for each church represented by Upward Basketball & Cheer. One Body, One Lord!

28 - As practices begin, pray that good relationships will be established from the first day.
29 - Pray for coaches as they prepare for practice. May we be faithful servants.
30 - Pray for a rich devotional life for all adult volunteers. Lead what you live!
31 - Pray for families as they prepare to meet a new year. Pray for each home to come alive with the
Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit.

1 - Happy New Year! Pray for Gods purpose, vision, and mission to be birthed in our hearts this year. Lord
we commit our lives, our families, our community, and our service to You. Jesus, You are Lord!
2 - Pray for children, teachers, and school staff as a new semester begins. Pray for the Lords blessing, favor,
protection, and presence on our schools.
3 - Pray for the church on this first Lords Day of the new year. Pray for surrendered hearts. God, we are Your
people. We commit our way to you this year. Lord, lead us into 2016.
4 - FRIST WEEK OF PRACTICES!!! Pray for coaches as they meet their players for the first time. Love like
5 - Pray for the players and cheerleaders. Pray for new friendships, teachable spirits, and great expectation.
6 - Pray that coaches will walk in the Spirit and will operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they minister to
players, cheerleaders, and their families.
7 - Pray that coaches will produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pray that their lives will reflect an abundance of
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
8 - Pray for the devotions that take place during each practice. Pray for faith-filled conversations and many
seeds planted that will yield a great harvest.
9 - Pray for a love of Gods word to be birthed in us. Pray that children would be captivated by Gods word
and would hunger and thirst for it.
10 - Pray for the pastors of our community as they stand to proclaim the Good News today. Pray for wisdom,
boldness, and love.
11 - Pray for Charlene Skaggs, our league commissioner, and all area coordinators as the season gets into
full swing this week. Press on toward the goal!

12 - Pray for the cheerleaders. Pray that through cheerleading they will learn how to be an encourager and
to love one another.
13 - Pray for players and cheerleaders to have listening ears. Pray that they will be quick and eager learners.
14 - Pray for those who will share devotions this season. Pray that each one will spend time with Him daily
and that even now they are being filled and prepared to share a word of encouragement.
15 - Pray for families to make the most of the opportunities presented by Upward. Pray that they will commit
to learning the memory verses and virtues.
16 - FIRST GAME DAY OF THE SEASON! Pray for all our kids and coaches today. God be glorified in our
17 - Pray for a fresh out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on the Body of Christ in our community today. Fill us,
18 - Pray for teams to cover a lot of ground this week as they prepare for their first game day. Pray for the
skills and drills to sink in so kids will be prepared and confident.
19 - Pray for the basketball players. Pray that they will learn more than basketball skills. Pray that they will
learn to work hard, be excellent, and live with integrity.
20 - Pray for those who are preparing half-time devotions for this week. Holy Spirit, lead!
21 - Pray for all our gym coordinators who will be preparing each facility to welcome kids and their families.
22 - Pray for our hard-working referees. Pray for excellence, fairness, and love!
23 - GAME DAY #2! Pray for a spirit of sportsmanship and encouragement.
24 - Pray for those families involved in Upward that do not yet have a church family. Father, plant them
among your people.
25 - Pray for players and cheerleaders whose families are struggling financially.
26 - Pray for volunteers whose families are struggling financially.
27 - Pray for coaches and their own personal spiritual growth. Pray that they would grow through daily
prayer and time spent with God in His Word. Pray for dynamic faith that is contagious.
28 - Pray for players and cheerleaders who are struggling in school.
29 - DAY 50! We are halfway there! Pray for renewed strength, faith, and passion for Jesus and for those
precious little ones that we have the privilege of serving.
30 - GAME DAY #3! Pray for powerful devotions from sincere hearts.

31 - Pray for the Body of Christ gathered together in love today. Carry each others burdens! Encourage
each other!

1 - Pray for players and cheerleaders whose families are broken. Father, use us to bind up the brokenhearted.
2 - The fruit of the Spirit is self-control. Pray that coaches would, by the power of the Holy Spirit, produce this
fruit and be an example for children to look to.
3 - Participating in athletics teaches responsibility. Pray for God to grow faithfulness and responsibility in all
our players, cheerleaders, coaches, referees, and volunteers.
4 - Pray for health and wholeness. Lord, protect us and heal us from every disease.
5 - Pray for those who are preparing devotions for tomorrows games. Speak the truth in love.
6 - GAME DAY#4! Pray for those who run clocks, sell concessions, set up, clean up, etc. Thank God for their
hard work behind the scenes.
7 - Pray for a spirit of expectation as we gather to worship. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!
8 - Pray for refreshment for each coach, parent, and volunteer. Let us not grow weary in doing good.
9 - Pray for rich personal prayer times for coaches. Spend time gazing upon His face.
10 - Pray for our kindergarten coaches as they instruct children who are participating in Upward for the first
11 - Pray for parents of players and cheerleaders who do not know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
12 - Pray for volunteers and their families. Fill our homes with Your love, Lord Jesus.
13 - NO GAMES TODAY! Pray for families as they enjoy a day of rest and joy together!
14 - Happy Valentines Day! This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we
ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.1 John 3:16
15 - Pray for those preparing devotions this week. Pray that their time in the Lord will be particularly sweet.
16 - Pray for incredible experiences with God this week. Work miracles among us, Lord!
17 - Pray that the faith of these little ones would be an example and an irresistible invitation to the adults in
their lives to accept Jesus with childlike faith. 1 Timothy 4:12

18 - Pray for families. As children hear the Good News, pray that parents and grandparents will continue to
raise them in the Lord. Deuteronomy 6
19 - Pray against the enemy and any attempt to interfere with the offer of eternal life. Pray that each
presentation of the gospel would go forth unhindered.
20 - GAME DAY #5! Pray for our hard-working referees. Pray for strength, energy, enthusiasm, and love.
21 - Pray for the pastors in our community who will stand and proclaim the Word today.
22 - Pray for the 1st & 2nd Grade division coaches today.
23 - Pray for those who are making preparations for the Awards Night Program.
24 - Pray for the families represented by each child. Pray for families to love the Lord and one another.
25 - Pray for our host congregations. Pray for Gods blessing and provision for each one.
26 - Pray for rest and refreshing for our referees as they prepare to work hard tomorrow.
27 - GAME DAY #6! Pray for our players and cheerleaders. Pray for protection from injury and that they
would be built up and encouraged by coaches and fans.
28 - And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up
meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as
you see the Day approaching.Hebrews 10:24-25 Dont give up meeting together! Pray for the Church
29 - Pray for great, productive practices this week. Pray for coaches and ask God to grant clarity of thought
and speech at each practice.

1 - Pray for Hope. Pray for kids to encounter Christ and the hope that comes from a life lived in Him. Christ
in us is the HOPE of glory! Colossians 1:27
2 - Pray for 3rd & 4th Grade division coaches today.
3 - Pray for coaches to live their faith in front of their players and cheerleaders. Be authentic.
4 - Pray for the continued development of friendships between players, cheerleaders, coaches, and families.
5 - GAME DAY #7! Pray for those sharing devotions today. Pray, prepare, present the Word with passion!
6 - Pray for Spirit-led worship in the congregations throughout the county today. Pray for life change!

7 - Pray for coaches as they prepare to present the Good News to their players and cheerleaders this week.
Pray for life change as coaches tell kids about Jesus dies to restore them to friendship with God!
8 - Pray for tender and receptive hearts in each child as they hear how God gave his Son for them.
9 - Pray that these last practices will be filled with fun, fellowship, and faith-building.
10 - Pray for these children to grow into great men and women of faith.
11 - Pray that the seeds planted this season will result in a great harvest.
12 - LAST GAME DAY OF THE SEASON! Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for all the Lord has done this season.
13 - Pray for the childrens ministries of Russell County. May we be faithful to raise our children in the faith.
14 - Pray for pastors, Sunday School teachers, and childrens ministry volunteers who will continue to speak
faith into the lives of these children once the season ends.
15 - Pray that parents will be intentional about discipling their children.
16 - Pray for our coaches. Pray a blessing on these precious servants.
17 - Pray for our Awards Night coordinator, Charlene Skaggs, and her team of volunteers.
18 - Pray for our Awards Night speaker who will present the Good News to hundreds of children and their
19 - AWARDS NIGHT! Pray for our speaker, for Charlene Skaggs our League Commissioner, and for
everything to run smoothly. Pray especially for hearts to be ready to receive the Good News.

Thank You, Prayer Partner!!!!!

Thank you for covering this ministry in prayer for 100 days, in 100 ways.

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind
and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God
in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

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