English 113a Semester Reflection

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Jorge Padilla
Jackie Hymes
English 113A
1st Semester Reflection with Hymes and Bridgewater
In my complete honesty I began this semester already knowing a lot of what professor
Jackie was already teaching yet she still managed to keep it interesting so in some sort of way
English 113A did help me grow . My favorite assignments probably had to be the first few we
did in the beginning of the semester, since she gave us total freedom to say what ever we wanted
to write about in our essays. In high school never really felt as though I had the liberty of being
able to write about what I was thinking of or put what I wanted to say in my own words.
However, once I started this course, I was granted a lot of that literary freedom and I felt as
though I broke writing barriers in terms of what the things limiting me were. Aside from that the
class itself was a great course to refresh your mind on the things previously learned from high
school. I really do believe the material taught will aid others
I know that a lot of people who started the course had a hard enough time trying to
speaking English since they were from foreign countries but still they tried to get through the
course. So I thought to my self if these people can get through the course then Im pretty positive
that I wouldve had an easy enough time getting through it as well. I did belittle the difficulty of
certain assignments more than I shouldve expected but nonetheless I did get through them. One
of the most interesting things we probably did in the class was the group project. Me and Saul
actually had to go talk to people at the gym at some point for our advertisement and it was pretty
embarrassing for us to talk to meat heads with their shirt off and cameras pointed at them.

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However, the final progression that followed this project was probably one of my weakest
Once I started this course, I was granted a lot of that literary freedom and I felt as though
I broke writing barriers in terms of what the things limiting me were. Aside from that the class
itself is a great course to refresh your mind on the things previously learned from high school. A
lot of people who started the course had a hard enough time trying to speaking English since they
were from foreign countries but still they tried to get through the course. Nearing the end of the
class it did tend to tense up a bit because Ive always been bad when it came to arguing and
unfortunately thats what the last progression was about. So I thought to myself if these guys are
persistent enough to get through the course then Im pretty positive that I wouldve had an easy
enough time getting through it as well. I did belittle the difficulty of the class though at times.
Surprisingly about 2 weeks into the class I made the realization that I got along more with
my professor rather then the students. One of the first qualities I liked about her was probably the
fact that she had tattoos. Something she said that I specifically remember her bringing up was
that we would eventually read the graphic novel, The Watchmen and analyze it at some point
into the semester. Which she got me really excited for but now knowing that were coming to the
end I guess we never really got the chance to do it. After a while I did start to talk to some of my
other peers in the class like Veronica and Neff.
The first assignment we worked on was writing an assignment that involved a personal
event in our lives which we had to turn into a proper narrative with a theme. This was the first
piece of work in which I thought I truthfully had first ever expressed my thoughts on a literature
assignment. I go more into detail on the assignment on my weebly page, its called Jester
Padilla in which I create a personal theme for the narrative (Padilla). This was one of my most
favorite assignments that I had ever written through out English 113A and in a way it was also

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the assignment that helped me grow the most in English 113A. I saw this assignment as one of
my first college assignments that Id be receiving of course this would have significance to me
on top of that I was allowed to put my own beliefs and ideas into it this is what I kept thinking of
as I was writing this paper which is why I assume I enjoyed putting so much effort into it.

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Works Cited

Padilla, Jorge. Jester Padilla. December 6, 2015.

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