Animation Statement

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Animation Statement

Nida Rafiq
For this project, we were to choose from a long list of philosophical
quotes that would guide us in creating our animation. The four of us in my
group decided that it would be a great idea to pick our five favourite quotes
and use process of elimination to pick the one we would use. After making
our lists and reading them out loud to one another, we all had one quote in
common. This was knowledge is Power. It is the quote we chose to animate
our project around. The reason why I chose to add this quote to my list,
hoping that my group would choose it, is because I truly do believe that if we
have knowledge then we are capable of facing the most powerful situation.
Knowledge gives us strength to become the person we want to be.
The quote was said by the English philosopher, Francis Bacon. During
his time, he was among one of the leading philosophers in natural
philosophy. He specialized in scientific methodology during the period of
transiting from the Renaissance to the early modern era. Knowledge is
power a thought by Bacon, is known to be his single greatest invention.
Bacon believed that Knowledge empowers us to make decisions that are
informed and well thought out. It helps to distinguish between right and
wrong. Knowledge is something we must all aim to achieve.
In our first meeting, my group brainstormed together possible stories
we could use to base our animation off of. After putting together all of our
ideas, we decided that we would not use a story to tell our animation.
Instead, it would be far more amusing to create something abstract. We
decided to use the idea behind mimicry and copy familiar parts of objects to
create our shapes in illustrator. We mimicked the light bulb, brain, and puzzle
pieces that would be animated together and all three of the objects assisted
in explaining the meaning behind the quote.
Using children as our target audience for the animation, we aimed to
make the animation as colourful as possible, but also keeping in mind not to
over do it. We wanted to make sure that we created something that would
fascinate children as well as help them understand the message we are
trying to portray. In our case, we displayed that knowledge is often gained
through books, and once who have gained that knowledge your brain then
expands leading you to make good decisions and envision something great.
This is where we also included a little bit of the baby face bias because we
made this animation specifically for children. We used this principle of design
to describe our animations, as everything about it was very cartoon like
making it more honest.
Throughout our animation, we used an immersive environment to
provide the children with a meaningful experience and enhance social
interaction (Green, 126). We wanted to make sure they were able to
understand the message and share it with others.
Working on this animation was stressful, but it also provided a unique
experience. There is so much that my group and I learned from this project.

We all worked hard and tried our best to put together something that each of
us can be proud of.

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