Memoir Luisacosta

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Appointed shots

We woke up about the same time that I would get up in school in elementary in
first grade ,but
today I perceived it as different
. I didnt dress up in my regular uniform
khaki pants and red or white shirt
. Instead into normal clothes I would wear in the
weekend. We l
eft my sister into school and took my
baby brother and we went into our
dads car.We took a turn here and there and I thought we went to H-E-B or somewhere
near there but we did a turn to somewhere else and
I got excited.
But the
excitement gradually went away
as I had no clue where weve gone.
Then I asked my dad A donde vamos. Then he said Al doctor para que te chequen.
Instantly I
felt nervous
I r
eally never liked going to
the doctor. Then we reached
our destination and my dad left me and my mom through the entrance
as we entered
through the
automatic glass doors

.As always it was full and we sat down and

in while I watched television.
We waited a lot ,but I
really didnt care
as long as I was
watching television never really mattered what show was there as long as I felt
My mom w
ould always buy a candy or chips from the vending
machine in
order to keep me from starving internally as we sometimes wait a long time.
We s
aw many people going in and out when finally they
said Acosta. Luis Acosta.Me
and my mom walked in where they measured my
weight and how tall I
was like any
other checkup and everything was normal I thought we were ready to go home and
just go eat some food.
But unexpectedly the doctor
recommended to give me
a shot for some reason I
cannot remember exactly why. Instantly I
wanted to leave
,but my mom just said yes

without my permission which really annoyed me since I had no control in the decision.
I spontaneously said Porque mama. While w
e waited for them to return
I made
excuses to try to lengthen the time between the shot. Then my mom told me if I hurry
I'll get ice-cream so I d
ecided to get over it since
It's just one thing.I entered the room
where they got me ready as they added a bit of water to soften the tissue and said I
wont feel it ,but
of course I felt i
t I didnt really hurt but it felt
and then we
went with my family to mcdonalds and got some ice-cream sundaes since it has more
ice-cream than the cups.
After that I didn't want to go to the doctor because it was boring and was ok
going to the doctor as much as I wanted to stay home and sleep late. Therefore getting
a vaccine became just part of the routine and I motivated myself forward for my own
health and the health of my family.

The wait
Hastily I changed as rapidly as I could as it was imperative to be early to the

I barely
had the time to brush my teeth
I scuttered
down the flight of
with my mom and dad. We
to the hospital entrance get checked in. First
word I heard was how may I help you, from the lady in the main entrance. She gave us
directions where we went into the elevator and into another room.
Drowsily I sat
iting for my mom to finish
just to wait more afterwards.
I stood u
for what will come later since my mom
looked more worried than when I
fell of my bike a during the summer.
Later, they rushed me into bathroom to change my clothes into a
blue tunic
I despised
since it provided
no protection against the cold and the low
temperature didnt help either. Tell us when your done so we come back for youwas
what they told me.
Soon after, I migrated to a mattress , but this one self heated.
Instantly I fell in love with that
bed because of its softness that made me forget the
cold as it cam
e with a blanket
. After waves of doctors
just coming to ask

Hi, may

you say your name and birthday.

They always asked if I had any wandering questions
,but I had none since I grew lazy because I had not eaten since last night.

Then they
pierced my skin with a small needle where all the liquids they said were going to be
injected with. It
felt extremely uncomfortable
having it in my hand since it made it
sore and I couldnt play with my fingers again. So now I just laid there and tried to just
wait patiently until further notice.

I increasingly got bored

as television, books or anything I would
have found
boring at home dissapeared from my reach
I grew more inpatient
until a nurse called
Gwen with a
activity book and some coloring utensils.
I felt
a bit stressed mostly since I couldnt eat.
Suddenly doctors injected what they like to
call it a relaxing medicine which apparently worked really well as they pulled my
cart through a long hallway. I then
started to get drowsy and wanted to sleep really
Then finally they pulled my c
art into a room with the
bright lights, doctors and
lots of equipment.
Then they were just telling me to relax and that's when I fell asleep.
Ever since that I dont remember anything. Slowly I woke
up drowsily and still in the
Then I saw some nurses come in and later my mom. They told me things I
can and cant do such as what I could eat. Later they also explained I
must stay until I
pee so it fel
t awkward as I was asked repeatedly to do so until I did. After that I went
outside where I waited for my dad to pick us up. I
felt sore
from the surgery and hoped
to recover soon but I was
to be back home. This helped me see the pain others
suffer daily so it really increased my empathy and made me realize how lucky I really
am to be this healthy compared to others.

Finding Atlantis

Lots of people,
kids running around crazy
,and I waited here in line next to
hundreds of other lined up in a
single row line
. But how did it all start like this? Well
we were just going through Seaworld after going on multiple amount of rides and
attractions which we were soon entering a new area farther into the park.
stumbled upon the Atlantis roller
coaster a tall roller coaster with blue painted railing
and a small lake at the bottom of the ride.I
asked for permission to go in line and leave
my stuff in the small lockers.
Then we went to wait in line with the rest
of the people
already there.
, I felt excited to be able ride and started to have second
The Tv
only showed commercials about Seaworld and the purpose of entertainment slowly
drifted away.
Some kids seemed to be

just as bored
but at least they came earlier so
they had an advantage
by a few rides.Then I just started
watching the end of the ride
and hearing
the joy of the people
having fun made
me want to wait
Then we
inched toward the front
of the line and stopped since the ride in front was all filled so
we waited one more time and we got on the front row. Right before we began moving I
remembered about my hat and left it underneath my shoes.
Gradually we escalated up
into the pinnacle of the hill.
I started to look out and
say how we gradually moved up.
I started to feel nervous

mostly since I
felt more
to way smaller ones.Then once we reached the top I noticed we started to

move a bit sideways and then I knew we were spinning.

It felt
so enjoyable to see the
,but then suddenly
I was thrusted backwards
. Shortly after I recovered and we
spun once again I thought we were going to go backwards again so I tensed up so when
we were going to go I instantly panicked without knowing we were going down and
then we reached the bottom.
Very confused and dizzy
from that experience.
This made me
realize not to do it
again and that
began my fear of high velocities..
After about a few minutes we went to

the gift shop right besides the roller coaster where I could see my face from the ride. I
bought 2 pencils just for fun and I just kept moving to another smaller water ride since
I still wanted to have fun.







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