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Vice President

Prime Minister

Central council of ministers

Cabinet Committees


Parliamentary committes

Supreme Court


Article 52 to 78 of Part V of the constitution deals with the Union


Union executive consist of the President, Vice President, Prime

Minister and Attorney General of India


Head of State

Nominal head (De jure executive)

Election of President

Indirect elections(Proportional representation by means of single transferrable vote)

Member of a electoral college :

Elected members of the Parliament, State legislature and Legislative assemblies of Union territories.(NO


Indian citizen

Completed 35 years of age

Qualified for election as a member of the Lok sabha

Should not hold any office of profit under the union government or any state government or any local authority or
other public authority(There is one exception)

Further ,the nomination of a candidate must be subscribed by 50 electors as prospers and 50 electors a
seconders and the candidate should make a security deposit of Rs 15,000 in the RBI.

Conditions of office of President

He sould not be a member of the Parliament or state legislature

He should not hold any office of profit

He is entitled to such allowances and privileges as may be determined by the parliament

His emoluments and allowances cannot be diminished during his term of office

He is entitled ,without payment of rent to use his official residence(Rastrapathi bhanvan)

He enjoys personal immunity from legal liabilities for his official acts

He is immune from any criminal proceedings, even in respect of his personal acts(however civil
proceedings can be instituted against him after 2 months notice, during his term of office.)


Holds office for a term of 5 years

He can hold office beyond a period of 5 years ,until his successors assumes charges

Eligible for re-election and can be re-elected any no of times .

Vacancy in the Presidents office

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