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Alejandra, Ethan, Hannah, Simeon [Three people enter inta the front doors ofthe cheese factory to find @ long conference table to the left. Tenis siting there atthe end and everyone else tales their seats] Ten: Welcome everyone, come, sit down Seven: farts] everyone takes their seats) Seven: Can we try and make this quick lam getting my cheese cravings soon Eight: Calm down, this is @ very important meeting about the cheese perfect far the new product coming aut Taree: Can you like, not: think everyone should go around and give their opinions. Lets start wth seven Seven: think that Monterey Jack should be the cheese that we should use forthe brand new cake that we are making Eight:| thnk thats a good idea but think that parmesan isa better idea for the cake Seven: NOOO! Ten: CALM DOWNNN ... you guys act ike big babies Eight Sorry, ok Three, what cheese do you think should be selected Three: | think we should use Provolone because its the best cheese in the world, of course. Ten: That is so disgusting, tke ticking a tooth ‘Three: Welt| think Mazzarela is nasty Ten: Oh my gad you hurt my feelings ow ‘Seven: | forgot why we are here. Eight To figure out what type of cheese we wil put inthe cake Ten: Nobodys care about your opinion. Seven: GIMME THAT CHEESE [Seven pulls madel of cheese away fram Ten, Tens face grows with rage] Ten: Stop being sa RUDE {Ten takes his model back] Ten: if you know how eel, why would you do that Three: Siop, We have to figure out what cheese we need to putin our cake [ Coughs, but also murnbles] Provolone. Eight 0, why do you think provolone Three: Because Provolone the only one that doesn't taste lite the bottom of toddlers shoe Seven: | thin, | don't know anymore Ten: Ya know what, | don’t think you're any use here Eight Please calm down Seven: [res] Three: sit because you think Provolone is beter. Ten: No, its because Monterey jack taste tke someone shaved pepper down your throat and provolone is just nasty, Listen | think Mozzarella the best because everyone uses it for Hatdogs, pizza, cheese sticks, hat dogs, cheese sticks and pizza, So | win and everyone be quiet “reeihat are you tkng abot? Everybody tnons Monterey Jacki bad because my son choted on it and died, Mozzarella taste like bugs, and Parmesan taste tikes very met boogers, {They all get realy mad and throw cheese at three] Three: WHYVYYYY. Ten: Break her antes! ‘Three: STOPIIT'S IN MY EVES "ht Everyone PLEASE, Tre, you haven reason for provlone being the est Three; Quiet child Eight: No, you know Fm right Three Ten: Yeah she’s ‘being stubborn because she’s so selfish, rude, and short, Eight: Ten. atough youve proven your pon dont me need cream cheese or cheesecake Ten: Yes, know |justed wanted corngany Eight: ub Ten: but can we put some cheese int ple... Ceveryone but Ten walks out doar!

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