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Person Of Influence

Lydia Mutoni
Martin Luther King Jrs mission was to serve God. He lived in a terrible
society where people were oppressed based on their race. During the time he tried
to do Gods will demolishing social injustice but instead of facing this issue with
a negative mind, he chose to do a non-violent approach where he focused on the
laws that oppressed people and the thoughts that held them back aswell. The basis
of his dream was God, he thought people should challenge themselves to follow
the moral principles showcased in the Bible. Even though he is thought of as a
person who started the civil rights movement to try to abolish the stigma that was
given African Americans and give African Americans a voice, he was also a
devoted Christian that wanted to teach people the meaning of love and how they
could show it. As a result he started a movement that got people to think about why
there is such a division between everyone in their nation, and why they couldnt
come to loving and respecting one another. Dr. King is a great example of what it
means to be human, why relationships are so important, and how we as human are
potentially good.
Dr. King was a wonderful example of what it meant to be human. Being a
devoted Christian Dr. King understood that he was a gift of God just like everyone
else and being that he knew that what he did would be for the will of God. Dr.
King wasnt a man who was trying to abolish the racial segregation that was
occuring in America in his time, so that he could be a hero or social figure but to
try to do Gods will from his view. During his years of being a known
humanitarian he showed in his own way how humans were a mixture of Earth and
divine breath. With being partly a mixture of Earth he had a finite amount of things
he could do, with limits and boudaries like being able to control others actions, and
knowing if there will be a positive outcome for his cause. But with having divine
breath we are more than just a species that lives on Earth but the embodiment of
the divine, this is shown through Dr. Kings ambitions to serve God by taking
divine action. He showed how we could follow through Gods desire by doing
what we think is best, that even though we are a creation of God we are a mixture
of Earth aswell meaning that we will have our limitations and boundaries, but we
still have divine breath being the incarnation of the divine.

In his life, Dr. King had shown why we as humans need each other. As
humans we are social beings, so we have a desire to feel connected with others. We
need each other to not only feel whole and have a sense of unity but so we can
grow and evolve. One of the relationships that Dr. King had that really reflected
the reason why we need each other is his relationship woth Coretta Scott. Coretta
was a big supporter for him, and would sometimes would go to some of the events
that Dr. King was part of when she was able to. She was a person that was able to
offer security to Dr. King when he needed it, a person to share ideas with when
they wanted to, and a person who would keep him in line when he needed it.
Without her he wouldnt have been able to grown into the activist he was, she
showed him he had a purpose. Also his relationship with his ministry helped him
by fufulling the innate need we have as social beings to be affiliated with a group.
Dr. King stated that before he went into the ministry he always felt frustrated and
disconected. When he entered the ministry he felt that his talent and his
commitement would be best shown through the ministry. Being in the ministry
made Dr. King challenge himself, become more of a responsible, have clear goals,
and most important grow as a person. We need others just like how Dr. King
needed his wife, ministry, and everyone else in his life, the people in our life help
us grow mentally and spiritually, offer protection, challenge us, and prove to us
that we are worthy, without relationships we would not feel whole.
God is the source of all that is good ..., God, our creator is, ... the
beginning, the middle, and the end of every good. Since we are humans we are
not good, but we can possess the quality of goodness. We are directed toward the
good, and when we continue to become more connected with God the goodness in
us shows. Dr. King was a great example that portrayed that even though we arent
good we can possess the quality of goodness.

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