Essay 2

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Kenneth Kimble

Mrs. Scaife
Im going to be doing my paper over how practicing altruism will improve your life. The second
part of my project will be the effects of apathy or being illiberal will impact you. I think Ill start
by defining altruism and egotistic/apathy. Those are going to be my key terms that Im going to
be focusing on. Research how communication could help us feel and connect more.
Specific Audience:
My audience is going to be high school Jr.s and Sr.s. I believe that they could learn and benefit
the most from this. I hope to influence them, and help them become better people. So, obviously,
this will be targeted at a younger audience. However, I dont think Im going to dumb it down
very much. I want them to think and learn on their own. If they have questions or comments then
Ill be glad to help them out, but they need to put forth the effort to answer it questions
themselves first.
Ill be making a presentation via Google Slides. I believe it will give me all the tools that I need
to effectively create a stellar presentation. I plan for it to have some video clips, talking points,
questions that will strike a nerve. I want to incorporate a little bit of all of it. I think that if I can
stir them up that i can get a change out of them, or hopefully a different thought process. I hope
to change them for the better, and also help them see things (life, choices, heck maybe even their
parents) differently.
1. Gov docs about topic. (.gov or .org)
2. News source (NPR, NY Times ect.)
3. Article from Google Scholar
Narcissism (NY Times Article)
Sandler, Joseph, Peter Fonagy, and Ethel Spector Person. Freud's" On narcissism--an
introduction". Karnac Books, 2012. (google Scholar) (.gov)
Paulhus, Delroy L, and Kevin M Williams. "The dark triad of personality: Narcissism,
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy." Journal of research in personality 36.6 (2002): 556-563.

Batson, C Daniel. The altruism question: Toward a social-psychological answer. Psychology

Press, 2014. (Google Scholar) (.gov)
( (NY Times)
Pure altruism, we think, requires a person to sacrifice for another without consideration of
personal gain. Doing good for another person because somethings in it for the do-er is the very
opposite of what we have in mind. Kin selection does better by allowing that organisms may
genuinely sacrifice their interests for another, but it fails to explain why they sometimes do so for
those with whom they share no genes, as Professor Librescu and Mr. Autrey did.)
Andreoni, James. "Giving with impure altruism: applications to charity and Ricardian
equivalence." The Journal of Political Economy (1989): 1447-1458.
Teaching Altruism
Possible Outline/ Organisation:
Slide Presentation
Going to start with an intro (slide one). Going to use Altruism and Narcissism as my key terms
(slides 2-3). After defining key terms, Im planning on breaking down the key terms in my own
words (slides 4-5). I plan on using video clips to reinforce my points ( (slides 6-7). Next will be
some recommendations on how to be more altruistic (here you could include a small portion of
your own story to add credibility to your voice. In other words, why should these kids listen
to you? (slide 8). Finally Ill conclude my presentation with my own conclusion (slide 9).
Shoot for 7(ish) minutes
roughly 15 slides? I dunno
Look at Peter Singers The Most Good You Can Do
Peter Singers Effective Altruism

The view that people never intentionally act to benefit others except to obtain some good for
themselves still possesses a powerful lure over our thinking.
(reciprocal altruism, evolution favors organisms that sacrifice their good for others in order to
gain a favor in return
Pure altruism, we think, requires a person to sacrifice for another without consideration of
personal gain)
People who act in these ways believe that they ought to help others, but they also want to help,
because doing so affirms what kind of world they want to exist in) (58:04)

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