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Name: ________________________________________


Reading Bingo-

EVERY NIGHT, each student:

*MUST be reading for AT LEAST 30 minutes to be working towards his/her reading goal!
*MUST identify 3 MAIN EVENTS
*MUST answer 1 box from below. Once one box is answered it cant be used again.

-What is motivating
the main characters
decisions in your
-Use specific pieces
of evidence,
examples, and
quotations from the
text to support your

-How has a
relationship between
your main character
and another
character changed in
this book since you
started reading it?
-Cite a quotation from
the text that supports
your answer. Make
sure your examples
are very specific.
-Identify a character
from your book.
-How do you expect
this character to
change (if in the
beginning of your
book) OR how has
this character
changed (if in the
middle or end of your
-Use specific
examples from the
text to show
change/prediction of
-What is the setting of
your book?
-How has this setting
helped you to
understand the
characters and the
world they life in?
-Please be specific
about how the setting
has contributed to
your meaning of the
text. Use quotations
and examples show
your thinking.

-How do different
characters in this book
have different points of
view about the issues
theyre facing?
-Pick two different
characters; compare and
contrast each characters
point of view using
citations and examples
from the text.
-Which characters point
of view do you feel the
most connected to and
-Who is the narrator in
this story? Is the
narrator the same or
different as your main
-Does the narration
change at all during the
text? If so, find the part
of the text and explain
specifically how it is
different from the rest.
How does the narrator
help you understand this
-How has the authors
style and language
appealed to you?
-Pick one scene from
your book to describe.
-Using at least one piece
of cited evidence from
the text to analyze and
explain the appeal to

-Think back to other books

and stories you have read
this year.
-What are you finding
these stories have in
common? It could be a
character or the setting, or
simply an idea)
-Use specific evidence
from your text and be very
clear about the examples
from your last text while
comparing both.

-What issue in your

book is the most
interesting? Upsetting?
Familiar? Ridiculous?
-Explain in detail using
evidence from the text.

-Are there any big

questions that this book
has made you think about?
OR have any of the
characters asked big
-What are these questions?
-How would you answer
these questions using your
knowledge from this book
and the world around you?
-Use specific pieces of
evidence from the text to
explain your thinking.

Explain one INFERENCE

you made while
reading today/tonight.
-Cite a quote from your
text that
supports/sparked your
inference and explain
completely your
thoughts behind your

-Who do the characters

remind you of and
-Cite specific evidence
from the text to
analyze and remember
to explain your
completely in your own
(These might be
characters from other
books, stories, tv, or it
could be friends,
family, etc).
-Name 2 traits that you
think your main
character possess.
(Adjectives! Ex. brave,
determined, weak,
-Give specific examples
from the text that
support these traits
you have identified.
-Explain how you think
each trait will affect
their roles in the story
-Think about the
characters in your
book. What have you
been noticing about
the characters and
-Have they changed
Physically? In what
-Explain using specific
examples and evidence
from the text.

Free Space

-Identify the BIG

problem at the heart of
this text. Describe this
probleminclude at
least one important
citation from the text.
-Explain: why this is an
important problem?
Does it connect to your
life or the world?
-How has reading this
book made you think
about these issues? Do
you think these issues
are easy to solve in real
life? Why or why not?

-What are the problems

the main character has
faced in the story so far?
-Describe a few parts of
the story that show how
this problem is getting
worse. Describe how those
parts contribute to the
overall problem.
-How has your main
character solved these
problems OR how do you
think the overall problem
will be solved?
-Use citations to support
your answers.

-Name at least 5
secondary characters
in your book.
-How do these minor,
secondary characters
view the main
character of your
-How does this change
the way YOU view the
main character of your
-Describe in detail,
using specific
quotations and
examples from the
-Sometimes there is an
image of an object or
place that repeatedly
appears throughout
the story.
-Does your story have
an image like that?
One that keeps coming
back? What is that
-When this happens we
should ask ourselves:
What is this image
standing for in this
book? What might it
show us about the
characters or their

-Sometimes characters
have ideas that we
dont either agree with
or have not thought
about before. Is there a
character in your book
that thinks in a
different way from you?
Explain these
-Use specific
examples/cite evidence
from the text.

-Which character
from your book would
like to have as a
friend? Why?
-Cite a quotation from
the text, and explain
using specific

-Name a few of the

issues that the
characters in your story
are dealing with, using
some specific examples
and citations from the
-What does the author
want us to
think/feel/believe about
the issues in this story?
-Have you read a book
with a similar
issue/conflict, but it was
handled differently?

-How does the author of

your book make the
characters in your book
-Cite specific evidence
from the text to support
your answer.

-Identify one event

from your text so far
that has caused your
main character to
-Explain how that
character has changed
and why you think that
change has occurred.
-Cite specific evidence
from the text to
support your answer.

-Which part of your

book are you having a
difficulty understand or
connecting with?
-Try to explain this part
to me.
-What reading strategy
might you use to try to
help you understand or
connect more easily?

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