Annotated Bib 1

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Miguel Martinez

Mrs. Hensel
English 4
September 17, 2015

Annotated Bibliography
Why should public funds be used to promote tourism?
The public relies on the tourism industry to the necessity of funding it by any means.
"Frequently Asked Questions." TourismWorksForUs, n.d. Web. 18
Sept. 2015.
Most tourism destinations invest far more public funds in the promotion of a destination
than in private funding. Public funds are more typically focused on promoting its tourism to a
particular destination. Individual businesses are responsible for their own marketing. Many
destination marketers are receiving 70% or more of their funding from public funds and financial
inquiries. Destination marketers must first create interest in visitation before an individual
business can effectively market itself. Research confirms that the non-beach amenities such as
restaurants, attractions, golf courses, entertainment venues, retail outlets, etc. are what
differentiates particular destinations making it more of an attraction and more intriguing than
others. Whether tourism is noticed or not it nearly impacts every business within that area.

Phillips, Jim, and Jamie Faulkner. Tourism Investment and Finance: Have the Rules
Changed? San Francisco: Pacific Area Travel Association, 1976. USAID.Gov. US
Agency for International Development. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Tourism is one of the worlds largest industries and continues to grow more and more
each year. It has become a significant source of employment and economic output. In 2010 2.8%
of the worlds GDP and in 2011 the tourism industry accounted for 9% of the worlds GDP.
Without the preparation of funding, the project will most likely need a seed investor. It all just
depends on what is particularly being funded and what is required. Resources used to finance the
promotion of the project are not refundable. That being said it is a high risking process. For that
reason there are promotion specialists that secure debt financing. Governments, international
donors, and multilateral development organizations are forms of public funding.

Platzer, Michaela D. "U.S. Travel and Tourism: Industry Trends and Policy Issues for
Congress." U.S. Travel and Tourism: Industry Trends and Policy Issues for
Congress (2014): n. pag. Federation of American Scientist. Federation of American
Scientist, 2 Apr. 2014. Web. 18 Sept.
The government has certain funding programs. The Travel Promotion Act (TPA)
Launched a public/private partnership in 2010. It is funded through a ten dollar fee sent to the
automated Electronic System Travel Authorization. The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) collects about $140 million annually from the $10 fee. In some cases there is controversy
whether the funds are being spent appropriately. Although our government and many states
promote tourism, there is a lack of experiential evidence on tourism and its value as far as
advertising and the uncertainty about the credibility studies of tourism promotion. Though there
are no particular methods for funding tourism, there are certain campaign that are set up in order
to do so. There are private, public, and public/private campaign services that collect money.

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