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(On Bank Letterhead)


(This draft document must be edited, changed, and modified by the bank officers with
daily operational responsibility for the client account to clearly state the current client
account details)
Date: December 7, 2015

Account Holder/Signatory/Bank Customer


Account Number

Account Name

Confirmation / Undertaking Letter

Account Signatories

We ( Bank Name) located at ( full Bank address ) hereby confirm with full Bank responsibility
and value and with legal liability that the account holder _______________ have the amount of
Fifty to Two Hundred Billion EUR/USD ( 50-200,000,000,000 EUR/USD ) on deposit in the
above referenced account . We further confirm that these funds of good, clean, cleared, of noncriminal origin, free of any liens or encumbrances, and were legally earned.
We further confirm that ( Name ) holder of ( Country ) Passport Number xxxxxxxxxx has
been recorded as authorized signatory on the above referenced account and these funds in the
amount of Fifty to Two Hundred Billion EUR/USD ( 50-200,000,000,000 EUR/USD ) are posted
on the (greyscreen, etc.) DTCC , xxxxxx screen and are fully verifiable.
We hereby, further confirm that we have at present verified these funds on (DTCC, XXXX) screen
to have no restrictions, and are unencumbered, with no liens, and fully transferable and verifiable.
This letter of confirmation may be verified on a Bank to Bank basis.
(If required this letter may include RWA intended SWIFT protocol)

Bank Officer Name

Bank Officer Name

Officer Number

Officer Number
Bank Seal

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