Final Professional Email Request - Tereza Mojzisova

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edu Mail - Interview for Academic Writing Class

12/5/15, 4:59 PM

Tereza M <>

Interview for Academic Writing Class

Tereza Mojzisova <>

Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM

Dear Mr. Missel,

I am writing you in regards to my school project. My name is Tereza Mojzisova and I am BA student at Antioch
University. My major is Business & Entrepreneurship and after finishing school I would love to work for such a creative
and innovative company like RightScale.
My quarter project for Academic Writing class is to meet with a professional from a company that I would like to work
for in the future. Therefore, I would be very grateful if we could meet sometimes in the following weeks to discuss your
job. I would interview you, talk more about what you do, and what you have to read/write in your job. After that, I will
write my final project about how writing functions within a specific organization for different audiences/purposes.
Before the interview, I need to gather some "writing artifacts". Some of the writing artifacts may include pamphlets,
sample emails to your clients, weekly reports, weekly goals/results, etc I would appreciate if you could share some of
the "writing artifacts" with me before our interview, within the next few days via email.
Please let me know if you need any additional information about the school project or anything else. I understand if
you are too busy with your job. Thank you so much, whether you are or are not able to meet with me.
Thank you!
Best Regards,
Tereza Mojzisova
BA student, Business & Entrepreneurship, Antioch University Santa Barbara

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