Song Analysis Essay

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Brenyanah Gassaway
English 111-10
Professor Intiwiwat
December 1, 2015
Song Analysis
I am generally not caught up with my generation today because the modern teenager and
I do not have anything in common. While the teenagers now these days listen to hip hop and rap
of the current year. I find myself listening to old school and R&B music centering myself on
artist such like, Beyonc, Chris Brown, and Usher. A song that was made in 2013 is still one of
my top favorite songs today. The song is when Bey expresses her insecurities and anger on a
previous song regarding her daughter, another revealing her view on sexuality and releases her
opinion on feminist anthems with the song ***Flawless (Kennedy). ***Flawless by Beyonc
was easily one of the top songs of 2014 and 2015. It wasnt the catchy hook that caught my
attention, but it was the second verse spoken by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The charting top
song of the year was influential to me, but also to most women around the world uprising a
feminist increase of movement.
Beyoncs flawless song came from her original song called Bow Down. The song was
transformed into Flawless by using a ted talk by Adichie to relay a meaningful message around
the world. Beyonc wanted this song to tend to the audience of women around the world.
Through the song, Beyonc made it clear that she understood how it was to wake up and look in
the mirror and feel the sense of being inferior. She knew that nobody wakes up flawless, no
matter the circumstance; but she did want women to wake up and feel good about them
(Kornhaber, 2014).

Of course Beyoncs talent incorporated the song as for the rhythm and the entertainment,
but it had deeper meanings in the song also to make the audience think and admire it more.
Adichies verse in the song was the breakdown for actual meaning and to help think of being a
female in society today (Adichie, 2007). It enforced the expectations that most women live by
today and how they are viewed from the modern world. Her verse from her TEDtalk touched
heavily on the topic of feminism and the expectations of females in society. She started off her
part of the song ending with Beyoncs flawless chorus saying:
We teach girls to shrink themselves
To make themselves smaller
We say to girls,
"You can have ambition
But not too much
You should aim to be successful
But not too successful
Otherwise you will threaten the man."
The verse set the purpose of the song, and it ended with Feminist: a person who believes
in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. The song as a whole encourages
women to be confident in a society filled with double standards and inequality. As I heard
Adichie speak, I knew that the song had a major influence on the women in the world today.
Beyonces ***Flawless song still has an impact today, and women still sing it expressing how
they feel and the flawless feel of waking up/going about their day.

Works Cited
Adichie, C. (2007, 01 07). Chimamanda. Retrieved 12 03, 2015, from About
Kornhaber, S. (2014, June 26). The Atlantic. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from
Beyonce's Flawless: The Full Story:
Daily PressDec 20 2013. ProQuest. Web. 1 Dec. 2015 .

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