Lesson Plan

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Author's Name: Madison Phillips

Subject Area(s):

Academic Content Standards

Draw and identify lines and angles, and
classify triangles by properties of their lines
and angles.

Technology Standard:
Conceptualize, guide, and manage individual
or group learning projects using digital
planning tools with teacher support.

Grade Level: 4th

Time Required: approx. 40 minutes for lesson + 1 week for students to complete

Analyze Learners
Gifted learners, visually impaired learners, normal learners.

State Learning Objectives

Students will be able to apply their knowledge of lines and angles and demonstrate
triangle classification by creating a prezi. The prezi will include at least 1 example
all the concepts from the lesson (line, ray, line segment, obtuse, acute, right, 6
triangle classifications) as well as 3 real life examples of 3 of these concepts using
an actual picture of said example to show their understanding to the real life
applications of triangle geometry.

Select Methods (Strategies), Media, and Materials

SMART Board lesson and practice, example prezi.

Differentiated Instructional Strategies

Group practice/discussion to allow gifted students to collaborate and help
slower learners and those who are visual impaired and may not be able to
see the board as well.

Utilize Media & Materials

Use SMART Board to explain and demonstrate the concepts as well as allow the
students to practice graphing and classifying triangles interactively. Use Prezi to
create a sample project so that students can see what is expected of them.

Require Learner Participation

Students will participate during the lesson by working as group to sort triangles
according to angle and side length classification. They will also participate by each
sharing one of their real life examples from their prezi with a group.

Academic Content
Students should learn how to classify triangles.
21st Century Skills
Students should learn how to affectively communicate ideas using
multimedia resources.
Use of Technology
Students prezi project will be graded based on a rubric.
Instruction of Lesson
I will use the post-lesson group work to formatively assess if the class is
adequately understanding the material.

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