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I, ___________________ agree to:

step up, and take a stand against

be just as nice to a person online, as
I am to them in person.
respect others online and in person.
never post or share mean,
embarrassing, or hurtful things.
report the cyber-bullying of not only
myself, but others.
always think twice before I post or

Signed by: __________________

Date: ___________

Digital citizenship is defined as the norms of appropriate

and responsible behavior, in regards to the use of
Cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to
bully a person.
We, the parents of ___________________ agree to work
together with other parents and staff to end cyber
bullying at our school. By signing this pledge, we agree
Keep ourselves and our children aware
and up to date on the schools cyber
bullying policies.
Have frequent discussions with our
children about what behaviors are
acceptable in online interactions and
which are not.
Frequently monitor our childrens
online activity.
Work in partnership with other parents
and staff to encourage positive
behavior as well as punishing
inappropriate behavior.
Immediately alert faculty or staff if any
child, including my own, who may be
involved in cyber bullying.
Signed by: __________________

Date: ___________

For further information on cyber bullying and how to prevent it,

follow these links:

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