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COLEGIO NOSSA SENHORA DA ASSUNGAO iL ENGLISH WRITTEN EVALUATION - 10th Form i Filipe Read the following text carefully: P THE, At the beginning of the 20th century, inventors were interested in the conquest of sound waves, by sending words and music through the air on waves of sound. Along came radio, a phenomenon that is the result of the efforts of many brilliant scientists, some working alone, some in groups. Edison began the search with his telegraph. Then, among others, there was Fessenden, a Canadian born of American parents, who worked with other people. Their efforts were put to the test on Christmas Eve, 1906, with the first radio-telephone broadcast. On that night radio was born. Lee De Forest, Fessenden's competitor in the field of radio, was born in 1873. In 1900, De Forest obtained his doctorate and took a job in Chicago. He invented a tube which brought about a revolution in the science of physics. De Forest used his invention to broadcast from the Eiffel Tower in Paris. His voice was heard five miles away. He then broadcast the voices of great singers. De Forest regarded radio as a means of bringing music, plays and the arts to people and as a way of drawing people together. “A. Complete the sentences according to the ideas in the text: ”, Inventors wanted, Hh mn nd wo hy bs ds & Many Scientists. td thy nedip - Edison's telegraph B. Scan the text and identify the expressions / words that mean approximately the same as these: concerned (Ist parag) - Ay\».1-f, Ze marvel (1st parag) - je w-rrronor 2 attempts (1st parag) - sie! "4 saw (2nd parag) - x Who/what do the following ers eipressions refer to: XC some (line 4) =! b Z his (line 4) - © Talinon al tol who (line 6) - it ’A. their (line 6) ~ ‘ £9 aed & thatfline 7) - II - GRAMMAR sw in the missing spaces with the correct modal verb: c ut ona eins Tt _ malt rain. BE Tohn inglish at the age of seven. 2: Mary play the guitar, but she _/ play the violin. S The students 1... obey the school rules. They

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