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Hall 1

Kenzie Hall
C. Peterson
HUMA 1010
5 December 2015


I really enjoyed taking this class because it really changed the way I looked at certain
things. The humanities challenged the way I look at things and opened my mind to a lot of new
views. This class required me to think critically about the things I read, listen to, write, and view
everyday and I would say this was the purpose of the class. We discussed numerous topics, many
that are considered to be controversial. After some time, I noticed my opinions and views
changing about some of the issues as well. I was discovering an opinion for myself and not from
outside influences because I had to learn about the topics first hand from the readings. One way I
would connect this class to other courses was that it helped me be more understanding of other
peoples situations and opinions. It gave me a more open mind and clear eyes. My final
presentation pulls one many topics we learned in the course. The biggest is from our Human
Rights & Global Justice section. I have a firm belief in equality for all. The reading I chose to
relate to my final was Primo Levis poem. He was a Holocaust survivor. I would considering it
one of the biggest demonstrations of inequality. Thinking over the entire course, I thoroughly
enjoyed all the sections and learning new ways to comprehend and understand things that
surround me everyday.

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