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Marisa Wong

College One
26 October 2015
Spare Parts 8

Russell Pearce, the Arizona Representative, had began to talk about illegal

immigrant children, and how immigrants were abusing the American system of free
education. President Bush even sent the Natural Guard to the Border Patrol to capture
immigrants and prevent migrants from crossing to America. In while Oscar was building
apartment complexes. Cristian was not able to go to college as their family had air
conditioning problems and could not afford college. Luis had started to work two jobs
one at a Social Security Office and one as a short-order cook. Once the Wired article
came out. People started to send in money to help the kids through college. Even ABC
nightline wanted to have an interview with the boys. The boys had decided that it was
important to share their story with the country. These boys were not the only success
story as Carl Hayden High became a decorated school for its award in robotics, they
even won the Chairmans Award the highest honor possible. They had gain new
supporters as a group of businessmen from Oregon and Washington founded a new
scholarship for the robotics team. Making the robotics team and new way to get to
college that many kids would never even dream of. This made the robotics team more
popular among students having about 40 plus students part of the team. With the new
scholarship money Cristian was now able to afford college and decided to go to Arizona
state university instead of MIT. However, he found that the lectures were boring and
couldnt learn anything from it. As proposition 300 passed, it raised his tuition
exponentially. He had to drop out of college. When Lorenzo graduated, his father was
not there, however, he had decided to go to Phoenix Colleges Culinary Studies. As Luis

had decided to attend Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. Together they formed a
catering company called Neither Here, Nor There. They then talked about the students
who were part of the MIT robotics team that had gotten second place, many finding it
easy to get a job. Before Oscar had the money to go to college, he had met Karla. Karla
had asked Oscar to prom but unfortunately Oscar didnt have to money to take her,
however, on prom night they had their first kiss and had gotten married seven months
later. Oscar then enrolled at Arizona State University, and started the ASU Robodevils.
He became a standout student leader and was a Nightline again to discuss his
accomplishments and immigration challenges. Oscar was able to finish college with the
help of Luis and Lorenzo as they didnt use up all their part of the scholarship and gave it
to Oscar. At Oscars graduation President Obama had given a speech that really settled
with Oscar that one should never shy away from an endeavor. This led Oscar to go back
to Mexico to get his visa into to United States. As he went to the clerk in Mexico he
refused to lie about living in America. He was denied and was told he could appeal in ten
weeks. When he appealed he was then denied again. Ten years he was stuck in Mexico.
He got a job working a car manufacture. However, little did he know that he was getting
support throughout America. Senator Dick Durbin established the DREAM ACT but failed
when it came to a vote. Durbin was able to get the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services to reconsider Oscars application. When Karla went to go visit
Oscar she brought the letter with her and Oscar was able to come back to the US. The
robotics team got back together to welcome Oscar home. Two months later Oscar found
his calling and recruited himself as a soldier in the army. Oscar couldnt have been
happier. In 2013, Hollywood had made a movie about the robotics team, however, the
ended was not like real life. Lorenzo and his father had made up. and It ended when
Carl Hayden had won the MATE competition, having a happy end. Not showing the
struggle for immigrants that still carry on today. Cristian still lives at home making

inventions in his room. Fredi still teaches at Carl Hayden and is paid for coaching. Allan
had retired.
2. I feel like the immigration laws will always be a touchy subject as their is the
pathos view that believes everyone should be treated equally but also the side of where
is tax payers money going to? It is unfortunate that Cristian had decided to drop out of
college. MIT seemed to be a better fit for him as it is a private school meaning less
lecture time and more time with the professor. Its surprising that Lorenzo and Luis both
decided to go into business together. Although they both have a passion for cooking it
didnt seem like they talked much together when they were on the robotics team. It
seemed like Karla and Oscar were the perfect pair as they are so honest and loyal to
each other. Although seven months isnt much time to get to know each other. Oscar
really does seem like a leader as he created the ASU Robodevils and was able to solve
his money problem. It is amazing to see that President Obama had met Oscar and heard
about his great accomplishment and was able to give Oscar advise. It is a courageous
act to leave behind everything to do the right thing and better his future. Durbin have a
very interesting concept of the DREAM Act. However, what about the kids that live in
America that cannot simply afford college. The price of college has been increasingly
higher each year. It is sad to see them make a movie that is so false from the reality. We
put things in a glamorous light and dont bring up the issues that really need to be
3. How come Cristian didnt decide to go back to college later on? What made
Oscar decide to go to Mexico? How come Lorenzos father never accepted Lorenzo?
4. I finished reading this book when I was at work. I had to help the customers so I
had to pause and continue reading. I found it to be an easy read because it seemed
interesting even though some parts were sad.
5. ravine- a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides, when oscar became a soldier he
was here. Didnt know what exactly it was thought it was like a trench.

endeavor- hard to do or achieve something. key word in obama speech. Wasnt sure
what it meant thought it related to a journey.
infuriating- making one extremely angry and impatient; very annoying. How Cristian
described college. I dont know the meaning.

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