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Reverse Outline - WP2 Revised


Initial Submission

Final, Revised


Each pieces author(s)

have come at this subject
from three different
perspectives, which shines
through in their
writing nonetheless they
all obtain the same focus,
and generate ways to
address underage drinking

The two authors from

separate academic
disciplines and the
mainstream media author
all utilize unalike rhetoric,
conventions, and moves to
support their arguments;
while being so dissimilar,
they all three obtain the
same focus and generate
ways to address underage


Which disciplines my
articles came from, what
media outlet my non
academic source came

Which disciplines my
articles came from, what
media outlet my non
academic source came


The types of rhetoric each Varying types of rhetoric

source uses, how theyre each source has from
tone, style, and language


Similarities/dissimilarities Biases of each source,

in their format conventions how it affects their deeper


Moves of each piece and Types of moves the

how they differ from genre authors used, why, and
to genre
why theyre important


The purpose behind each

author(s) piece

Differences/Similarities in
the format or presentation
conventions for each


Meaning of Logos, thats

the type of evidence used
in each article

Purpose behind authors

writing their pieces


Types of evidence each

What Logos is and the fact it

source used and why

was used in all three sources


Different audiences and

Types of evidence used
both the writers and
and why the authors used
readers expectations from that evidence,
one another


Formatting and its role in

the readers experience

Differing audiences per

piece of writing, what they
expected of their audience
and what the audience


The role data plays in the

scholarly articles and
Tumblr post

The importance of
data/research/questions in
these sources and how
each utilized them
differently but they all kept
the same focus


How academic and non

academic pieces differ in
their characteristics and
impact on readers

Academic vs Non-
Academic, how each can
accomplish something the
other cant, yet still cover
the same topics. The
characteristics of each and
how it works in their favor


The characteristics of
academic and non
academic writing and how
it works in their favor

Summarization of my
point, two different
disciplines and a totally
different genre can greatly
differ yet still cover the
same topic and posses
similarities in their rhetoric,
conventions, and moves


summarization of my point
sources can come from
different genres/disciplines
and tackle the same
subjects from different
views effectively

When revising my WP2, I was as much of a mess as my paper. The biggest change I made
were to the context within my paragraphs. Things were unclear and didnt correlate to my main
argument. When I revised my paper I tried to incorporate more of my own voice in it, and
connect it to my thesis. I also changed around the structure, I tried to group things with similar
ideas near each other, trying to create a better flow throughout my essay. Overall, I think my
changes helped to make my argument and entire essay easier to understand and read.

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