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Cycle of Goal Setting

1. Preparation
1. Step: The rectification of a task
to check whether everybody equally understands the

2. Step: Goal setting

to answer next questions:
What for?....................................... Sense
For whom?....................................... Clients
What would we like to get?.....................The result
How to assess the result?.................Criteria

3. Step: Information collection and analyses

to collect and to take into consideration all possible:
facts, sources, ideas, alternatives, risks ...

4. Step: Decision making

to answer the question: What has to be done?
decomposition of the task into parts
ranking of priorities
choice of the best alternatives
list what to do

5. Step: Planning
to share tasks and to define the responsibility:
who, what, where, when and how will do it

2. Execution
6. Step: Action
to fulfill all planed activities: the realization

3. Evaluation
7. Step: Analyses
to analyze the result and the process:
to use criterias
process analyses:
What worked?
What didnt work?
What was missed?
The conclusion for a future.

4.1.1. VERY IMPORTANT: in the end of each stage you should to

summarize - to compile and formulate the result, make sure that all
participants understand and accept it

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