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Modern Visual Rhetoric and its History

By: Sophia and Carrie

What is visual rhetoric? In a nutshell, visual rhetoric refers to how we

are persuaded by the things we see

Famous examples!

Rosie the Riveter is a classic

example of visual rhetoric.
This poster was a symbol
during World War II used to
inspire women to step up to
classically male jobs. This
image of a strong woman
inspired confidence and the
bold text We can do it! was
a female version of a call to
arms at that difficult time.

This anti smoking

advertisement is effective
visual rhetoric because its
message is apparent. This
example shows how the use of
color (or lack thereof) affects
the mood of the image and
the message behind it. The
lack of text on this
advertisement causes the
views to focus in on the
powerful image. It is obvious
without words that the
message of this ad is
smoking kills.

This example of visual

rhetoric portrays the power of
the meme. Memes are
extremely popular examples
of visual rhetoric nowadays
and how it has evolved to be
used most commonly in social
media. This picture of a
famous movie star, Ryan
Gosling, is used to inspire
confidence in the viewer. Its
famously used to convey
different messages attached to
a famous person for

Visual Rhetoric breakdown- Institutions of visual culture have the potential to stimulate,
educate, and entertain the public by giving them access to the objects and images of visual culture and
to new ideas that contest existing conceptions of society and culture. (Rampley, 230)
Conceptualized as a communicative artifact, visual rhetoric is the actual image or object rhetors
generate when they use visual symbols for the purpose of communicating. It is the tangible evidence
or product of the creative act such as a painting, an advertisement, a photograph, or a building. (Hill,

History of Visual Rhetoric

Visual rhetoric has no precise beginning as it has arguably been around as long as images and pictures
have. Visual rhetoric spans all the way from when Egyptians used hieroglyphics to present day
commercials for Apple products. The term visual rhetoric came about as a way to classify an area of
study focused on imagery and how people are persuaded by it. Visual rhetoric is also an important part of
culture and has been used throughout time to mark history. Since the beginning of mass media, images
disseminated in connection with newsworthy events became attached to the event in the form of cultural
are regardedform
as encapsulating
a critical
or the social
additional ethos,
of communication
thatmoment inshown
to convince an audience of the
rhetoric is also very powerful
uses images to create meaning
authors credibility or
because it does not always
or construct an argument
have to be a nice pleasant
(Visual Rhetoric and
Strategies of Persuasion.) I like

image or topic. Sometimes the

the idea that not only does

point is not to be pretty to the

visual rhetoric get a message

viewers eye, but more eye

across to the viewer, but also it

catching. What is shocking

can inspire an emotional

and occasionally very out

response, which can be used

there can be the most eye

to back a cause or influence an

catching at times. Whether

individuals personal opinion

the message is good or bad I

on current events. An image

appreciate the creative leaps

can be a powerful thing that

people who are trying to get

their point across will take.

Editorial Opinions

Carrie- Visual rhetoric to

Sophia- The use of imagery

me is wide reaching. Its not

to communicate a thought,
cause, or opinion to the

can be used to not only

intended audience.

promote positive ideas, but

I agree with the following

statement, Visual rhetoric is a

also cans end messages of

warning and danger like the
smoking advertisement

only used in the media or

advertisement, but is also
present in the way you dress,
the way you design your life,

and how you show yourself

to the world around you.
I really like the visual
communication guys
interpretation of visual
rhetoric. He points out that
visual rhetoric is not just a
media tool but also a very

personal statement. The way

you present yourself is a
powerful form of visual
rhetoric. Carole Blair in
Contemporary U.S Memorial
Sites states that Rhetoric has
material force beyond the
goals, intentions, and
motivations of its producers
and it is our responsibility as
rhetoricians not to just
acknowledge that, but to try
to understand it. I like this
quote from her because it
reiterates that visual rhetoric
is a fluid concept that covers
more than just simple images
and has more impact in our
daily lives than we realize.

Works Cited
Hill, Charles A., and Marguerite H. Helmers. Defining Visual Rhetorics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum, 2004. Print.
Lester, Paul Martin. Visual Communication: Images with Messages. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Pub, 1995. Print.
Rampley, Matthew. Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, Edinburgh:
Edinburgh UP, 2005. Print.
What is Visual Rhetoric? N.p., 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.

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