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Kimarie Larsen

S. Briggs
English 1010 @ 10:00 am
Has Social Media Impacted Face to Face Relationships?
Communication is everywhere and is always going through a process. Before it was
communication through letters now its over social media. However, face to face communication
has always been around. While communication is very important, the question I have been
wondering is, has social media impacted face to face relationships? Society used to think
communication face to face was the best way. But recently experts suggest that social media
might be a better way. I will be using articles to see the different views of communication. These
findings have important implications for the boarder domain of communication.
Source #1:
Chen, Gina Masullo. "Losing Face on Social Media." Communication Research 42.6 (Aug
Pages 819-838. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
Gina Masullo Chen in her research paper explains her views on social media. Chen
throughout her research paper expresses how social media has the impact on people to use

communication negatively, resulting in them acting out on those feelings. In her paper she is
constantly conducting research to put her questioning to the test. In result of her studies she
comes to a conclusion that social media can be a negative thing. She expresses that social media
can have the capability of hurting other users feeling because the attacker doesnt have to see the
victims face. Chen feels that no emotion is involved when you are expressing words on to social
Chen Believes there are many people on social media that we dont know and because of
this we all want that constant approval from anyone. In her paper Chen states, Regardless of
whether we know the people on a social-networking site. They would expect polite
communication with them, face-threatening acts would violate these norms (P3). Chens point is
that people on social media expect others to be nice because they are nice on social media. In
Chens views social media relationships and real life relationships arent the same, but society has
to be aware of the things they say or post because they never know the effect it can have on the
receiving person.
Throughout Chens paper she includes many research studies, logos, she has conducted,
such as how people can have no emotion and due to this people can be meaner on social media.
Chen in her studies states that, On this site, participants created profiles, attempted to join
existing groups on this site, and received face-threatening acts by being criticized (P2). This
means that in her research she explains that people received many crucial words while
conversing over social media. Through her logos she makes herself a credible person. Because
this is a research paper I feel that her tone in her article is serious and informational. This is a key
component that made me want to read her paper.

Chen doesnt include any of her emotions, pathos, but from reading her paper I feel she
plays off of how her readers respond. She writes as if she knows what people are thinking and
she makes it personal to the people that are reading it. Chen picked an issue that is always
constant, Kairos, but not an easy one to respond to and I think because of this her writing
becomes more entertaining due to it being a challenge to answer.
This research paper has changed my views on how I view communication overall.
Through the writing of this piece I have seen a different side to what my question was originally.
It shows that the people that are communicating are the issues and the main problem isnt social
media. This is the root of the problem that no one wants to deal with. The other resources base
their writing on either pro social media or pro face to face communication. I feel the difference
between this article and the others is that people in general dictate communication. Whether its
online or in person its how the people act and react towards others. This is something that really
affected how I viewed my over question on communication.
Source #2:
Johnson, Chandra. "Effects of Technology on Teens Are Not All Doom and Gloom.
Effects of Technology on Teens Are Not All Doom and Gloom. Deseret News National,
11 Aug. 2015. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
Throughout the years of technology Chandra Johnson expresses in her article how online
gaming and social media have increased significantly. Johnson throughout her article expresses

that technology is a key component in communication, without it society cant keep in contact
with their friends and family that live far away. She feels it is a part of daily life and all the
worries of technology are a thing of the past and how social media is much safer and privacy is
more enforced.
Johnson includes how video games and social media has increased in popularity and
communication has become easier because of it. Benjamin Hickerson, a professor and gamer
Johnson includes in her piece, states, Even if youre not talking to other people playing online,
you feel their presence (P2). In other words Hickerson thinks the people you are gaming with
feel like friends whether you exchange words or not. Hickerson and Johnson express that there
are many stereotypes with video games and social media, but these stereotypes arent always
true. Technology to the gamers has improved their friendships and communication skills.
Technology through Johnsons words isnt either good or bad, but instead humans have shaped
the media to fit their specific wants and needs in order to feel connected in their relationships.
Chandra Johnson includes many voices throughout her paper. She is constantly using
studies another perspectives on things. Because she does this her readers find this more inviting.
Johnsons article is based on technology and in her article her tone I feel there is more emotion,
pathos, into their writing, making it more interesting and believable. In order to back up her
statements Johnson includes the studies, logos, done on this certain topic. In her logos done on
gaming she looks at Hickersons view and what he overall thinks on the information gathered.
Hickerson states Theres an age-old perception of the person who plays video games as living
in their parents basement, guzzling Mountain Dew and never talking to anyone (P2). This
common stereotype is not the case anymore because of the games now being social. Through this

logos I can picture the imagery and feel that the readers, specifically teenagers, understand that
times have changed and can relate more on a personal level. She is constantly using studies and
using others perspectives on things and I think that the readers will find this more inviting.
Looking at this resource I saw the side of pro face to face communication over
technology. When reading this article I was reminded about all the stereotypes that society has
towards social-networking. From what I have seen society either loves technology or hates
technology and this article reassures that technology is a good thing to have. This article
coincides with the article from Jenna Wortham. Both Wortham and Johnson point out all the
things we could be missing if we didnt have technology and social media. Johnson focuses on
how technology has enhanced our communication because it has helped us not only talk to the
people we live near but also the people that live across the country. This article opened my eyes
to see that without technology, I couldnt keep in contact with all my friends and family.
Source #3:
Johnson, Chandra. "Face Time vs. Screen Time: The Technological Impact on Communication."
Face Time vs. Screen Time: The Technological Impact on Communication. Deseret News
National, 29 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
Through several studies Johnson establishes a firm understanding that people
communicate more frequently with their peers because of technology, but because of this the
quality of the conversation becomes weaker. Johnson believes, Kids who spend more time

engaging with a screen than other kids or adults can struggle to understand emotion, create
strong relationships or become more dependent on others (P2). Johnsons point is that kids
arent well rounded with their knowledge of communication. she also feels that through these
emojis that are now on our phones that society is constantly using lack emotion and disregard
the importance of the face-to-face interactions. This kind of interaction Johnson feels is crucial in
the brain development of a child. Denise Daniels, another colleague of Johnson, feels that the
result of technology and a childs brain is the inability to concentrate and inquire empathy and
Johnson includes in her article many steps to get better with technology. She adds that a
way to do this is by finding a balance between technology time and face-to-face communication
time. Johnson ponders on the idea that technology is always going to be here and thinks that
keeping technology a low priority in our life will help us grow with our communication in our
Is Technology really a communication problem? Throughout her article Johnson expands
her horizons and doesnt include a lot of her views, but instead reaches out for others views.
Marc Brackett, a viewer she includes, through his words he creates imagery expressing that,
Kids want to be hugged and touched, they dont want to be texted. Theres a basic need to fill
that social bond (P1). This means, according to Brackett, kids want to feel that bond with their
peers and technology could be dictating it.
Johnsons type of writing is based on what others say. Because of this her tone sounds
informational, however she inquires different views and as a results the readers get to hear many

different tones. Johnson uses her colleagues and all the information she has gathered to establish
credibility. Having all of the different incites to what others have to say about the topic is
something very effective, because its shows the different emotions, or pathos, that each source
puts into their writing.
On the opposite side of the last source, this article shows how social media is hurting
face-to-face communication. This article helps my overall questions because it shows the other
side of things. It proves that communication is very important but the way that it is evolving,
Wortham feels and I agree is going in the wrong direction. Growing up in a generation where
technology is something you need to have in order to get work or school accomplished, it was
interesting to read the other side of how this technology use can effect societys communication.
Wortham has made me re-evaluate my use of technology and see that maybe I am using social
media more then what I should be.
Source #4:
Wortham, Jenna. I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight. On the App They Say, I Say.
Graff, Birkenstein, Durst. New York: Norton, 2015. 394-398. Print
Jenna Wortham uses various apps all the time and loves them, proving that social media
is everywhere. In order to keep in constant communication with her boyfriend that lives far away
she uses social media apps. Without social media Wortham feels society couldnt keep in contact
with their loved ones.

Wortham explains that the era of asking people on dates in person has matured and with
the help of social media they can be in close with someone even if they arent physically there.
She sees it as communication isnt lost and they are able to have that conversation that she feels
society all needs. Wortham explains that, Because this kind of communication is less formal
than a phone call or an email, it feels more like a casual conversation (P394). In other words
Wortham feels that this type of communication is easier because its more casual. When you are
on a date without the app Wortham explain that it can be very stressful, but with the app its more
of a flow and the stress reduces. Wortham believes that based off of her experiences adding the
internet to a relationship can strengthen all the aspects of the relationship, including
Throughout Worthams paper she includes a variety of emotion, pathos, because she is
basing her paper on her real life experiences. The fact that she uses her own experiences makes
her a credible resource. Readers can trust her words because she has gone through it and they can
relate to some of the things she says. To enhance her writing she incorporates a lot of stats, logos,
but Wortham also uses imagery to get her words a crossed. Wortham in her article states, Its no
substitute for the real thing- its just an appetizer that can delight and satisfy until the main
course arrives. (P396). By Wortham adding this description, it enhances her writing and it
makes people to want to read her article. Overall, Wortham covers this issue very well and she
does it in a way that is pleasing to her readers.

This article is what got me interested in this certain topic of communication. What I like
about Jenna Worthams writing is it is all based on her own life experience. By reading this I got
the feeling I could connect more with the writer due to the fact that I have had similar
experiences. She doesnt bad talk how technology is a bad thing, she simply states on what she
believes and what has worked for her in her own life. Her article has made me have a more
realization on the impact technology and social media has on society, just as the article by
Chandra Johnson on the effect of technology. These pieces have made me really think on the
topic and see how everyone can view it differently. Communication is everywhere regardless if it
is face-to-face or online.
Reading all four of these articles has helped me have a well-rounded knowledge of
communication. In the First article by Chen Masullio explains the concept of hoe people make
up social media. Bullying is everywhere and because of this we look for excuses of why it is
occurring. In todays time we blame social media. Following this article I explained Chandra
Johnsons first view. This first article the writer expresses that social media is a good thing.
Without it we wouldnt be able to communicate with are friends that dont live near us. After
this article I was able to find an article created by the same writer but in the opposing view.
Johnson talks about how social media can have a negative impact on our children. At first we just
think it effects their social interactions, but she explains how it goes more depth into our
childrens brain activity. The last article, the piece I based my question one, is done by Jenna
Wortham. Based on her own experiences, she expresses the fact that in her life social media is a
great thing. All of these pieces come together and being different views of how this topic can be

Overall, what I have learned is social media can be good and bad depending on how we
use it. I think that my beginning question that originally started out with, has social media
impacted face to face relationships?, could go more in depth as to a question asking if the way
we talk to each other can determine whether we like social media or face to face relationships?
My original question I feel really impacted my life and has made me want to re-evaluate how
much time I spend online communication and face-to-face communication.

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