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a transport which seemed to be inconceivable in the past!

Breda, August 02, 2005

Dockwise Shipping, a leading specialist in heavy transport

shipping located in Breda, the Netherlands, was awarded the
contract by De Beers, a leading diamond-mining company, for the
transportation of a Zeppelin NT airship from Amsterdam to South

The dock ship Enterprise will load the zeppelin in Amsterdam with
destination South Africa today at approx. 18.00 hours. With a
weight of only 700 kilos the zeppelin is the lightest cargo for
Dockwise. A great contrast to the heaviest and largest cargo
transported last year, the 59,500 ton weighing production platform
of BP the Thunderhorse.

A challenging transport for Dockwise, not because of its weight, but

because of the enormeous vulnerability of the zeppelin. A sea
transport of a zeppelin, which was seemed to be inconceivable, has
become reality!

‘As a transport shipping company we are proud to have a

substantial role in the start of the South Africa project ‘Diamonds for
Development in Africa’ of two renowned companies De Beers and
Zeppelin. As Dockwise offered the transport solution for this
extremely vulnerable airship, De Beers is now able to bring this
unique technology in an innovative application to Africa soon.
Furthermore, sea transportation will enhance business
opportunities in new markets for Zeppelin’, according to André
Goedée Chief Executive Officer of Dockwise.
The heavy transport vessel Enterprise, with a length of 160 meter
and a width of 29 meter, is expected to deliver the zeppelin, with a
length of 75 meter and 19,5 diameter, in South Africa at the end of

Dockwise Shipping is located in Breda, The Netherlands and

operates a fleet of 15 semi-submersible heavy transport vessels of
various capacities and designs. Dockwise employs about 800 people
worldwide. With a global network of three offices: in Breda, the
Netherlands (head office), in Houston, Texas, USA and in Shanghai,
China, as well as 8 representing agents, Dockwise is able to service
their clients to its best ability. As a leading provider in its specialist
field of marine transport services, Dockwise has the experience and
the resources to meet complex ocean transportation requirements.

For more information please contact:

Dockwise Shipping B.V.

Breda, The Netherlands
Mrs. Jeanny C.M. de Leeuw (Public Relations Officer)
Telephone: +31 [0]76 - 5484100

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