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Module 3

Focus on Vocabulary: Chapter 2 Social Forces that Shape our Lives

Gist Reading
Read the title, caption, subheadings, and conclusion:
1. What is the topic?
2. What is the controlling idea?
3. How is the text organised? What are the main ideas that it covers?
4. Does the author believe each person determines his place in society, or
society determines it for him?
Detailed reading
Now read the text more carefully and decide if the following statements are True, False or
Not Given
1. The education given to the child by the family is deliberate and consciously given. (3)
2. The childs initial identity within the society is dependent on the parents social
position. (5)
3. At school, children have the opportunity to meet children from a different religious
background from their own. (6)
4. The childs home environment may heavily influence how successful she is at school.
5. Gender differences are completely set by the time children enter school. (10)
6. Childrens career choices and future plans are primarily based on what their friends
think. (13, 14)
7. It is common for young children to watch several hours of TV a day.(15)
8. Television has become the primary method teens use for keeping informed. (15)
9. The author believes people have no control over their social position in life. (16)

Discuss with your partner:

a. Do you think the information in this chapter applies more to people from the United
States or does it apply to your own society?
b. How would you rank the four influences mentioned in your life?

How do each of the four factors shape us?

Module 3
d. Can you think of any other influences that were not mentioned in the article?

Comprehension questions
1. What 3 things do family members teach their children?
2. What is re sponsible for determining how a child thinks of
3. What 3 factors can increase a childs intelligence?
4. What is the hidden curriculum?
5. What can infl uence a childs school performance?
6. What becomes important to child ren as they enter school?
7. In what way does gender determine a childs chosen subjects?
8. In your own words what is a peer group?
9. In what ways are peer groups benefi cial to a child?

What in particular draw s children to peer groups?


Who has more of an infl uence over child ren? A family or

peer group?

Why is television able to play su ch a role in shaping a

childs life?

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