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Stacy Fuentes

Enc1101/ Professor Massey

November 20, 2015
Annotated Bibliography: Bullying
Adams, Frank, Lawrence, Gloria. Bullying Victims: The Effects Last Into College. American
Secondary Education 40.1 (2011): Pg. 4-13. EBSCO. 17 Nov. 2015.
The article states that bullying continues to occur at all levels of education including college.
Data suggests that students who have been bullied in middle school or high school continue
to be victimized. Those who have been bullied between those years as well as college tend to
feel alone and isolated. The information given in this article is important with my research
because many of us, including myself, didnt think the effects of being bullying lasted all the
way into college. With this article, it clarifies that it does and informs us with facts as well as
a survey and data from previous studies. Everything in this article is extremely useful for my
research because all it talks about are the effects of the victims that go on all the way through
college and after. The author also talks about the long term effects of the victims which are
crucial information while discussing bullying.
Ansary, Nadia, Elias, Maurice, Greene, Michael, etal. Best Practices to Address Bullying In
Schools. Phi Delta Kappan Oct. 2015: 30-35. Print.
In this article it keeps its focus on the anti-bullying programs in schools. In order to have a
successful anti- bullying program, schools must have three common features; central values

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and philosophies, long term commitment, and clear and consistent strategies. With these
three common features being explained throughout the article, it tells you what we should do
in order to keep the school a safe, non-bully zone. It goes to show that bullying is a very
serious issue, especially in schools. The information is also useful for my paper because it
shows studies that have been done with the anti- bullying programs. At the end of the article
are also states facts on how serious the problem of bullying is. This resource can help my
paper because not only does it list ways to prevent bullying in schools but it also gives you
alternatives if one doesnt work.
Bowerman, Mary. Childhood Bullying Can Linger A Lifetime. USA Today 18 April 2014: 07a.
Although many may think that bullying doesnt really affect a person in later life, this
newspaper article clears that thought up. Kids who were victims of being bullied didnt move
on because they are so use to being pushed down. Research has showed those who have been
bullied as a child has lower levels of education, and more physical and cognitive health
problems. They also have higher levels of anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Not all kids who are
bullied in their childhood end up with these effects but some do. The whole thing about
bullying is to keep children aware and to have children talk about it so they know its ok to
tell someone about it. Its all about bringing awareness and bringing an end to bullying. This
newspaper article is helpful to my paper because it gives a lot of facts and gives information
on how it affects some people in the long run.

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Savage, Dan. It Gets Better. It Gets Better Project, 2010-2015. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
The purpose of this website is to communicate to all sexuality in youth around the world
letting them know it gets better. The website does it for young teens who are scared of being
them because that is what they are being bullied for. It creates and inspires the changes
needed to make it better for them. It wants to remind teenagers that they arent alone. The
target audience is everyone who is or has gotten bullied as well as those who are scared of
opening up their sexuality. Some of the major sponsors are Wells Fargo, West Elm, Doritos
and Uber. One of the major fundraisers to get the message out is Speakers Bureau Launch.
Shireen, Farhat, Janapan, Himani, Rehmatullah, Sanila, etal. Trauma Experience of Youngsters and
Teens: A Key Issue in Suicidal Behavior among Victims of Bullying? Pak J Med Sci 30.1
(2014): Pg. 206-210. EBSCO. 29 Nov. 2015
Suicide is the third leading cause of death. With that being said, this article explains all the
different kind of effects bullying has on a persons life. It talks about the effects of school
bullying, effects on mental health, bullying in gender, and even bullying in sexual
preferences. The article basically provides us with a lot of information that I, myself did not
even know. Like how the risk of suicide attempts was higher in girls or how the teenage
suicide rate went from a 6.3% in 2009 to a 7.8% in 2011. The information in this article is
crucial because there are many things in here that must be included in my paper like the three
main bullying types in schools; physical, verbal, and social. It also gives information on the
risk of self-harm. Another big important issue being talked about is how students get bullied

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for their sexual preference. In the research provided, 29% of male and 27% of female have
been bullied due to their sexual preference, which is horrible.

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