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Tyree Rutledge
English IV
Mrs. Hensel
12 November, 2015
Athletic programs greatly influence the minds of students in school. Along with having
school spirit, how could a student not be pumped? What we call important games, are known
to give children a more action-packed feeling towards school activities. Many students on the
other hand, do not like to participate in school spirit, and that could hurt students in their high
school experience. During pep rallies, you compete for a spirit stick and the loudest class are the
ones who win. Some may scream and some may not, with some students not screaming, that can
hurt your chances to win. Things like these can show how you can affect your classmates in
school spirit. In showing school spirit and having a exciting school culture, in reality, affects how
the athletic programs perform. Athletic programs build school spirit by persuading kids to come
to school, and brings school an exciting culture.
Pupils, such as teachers, are one of the enormous impact on having a good school culture.
While schools are influenced by the schools pupils (Stoll), children see that its fine to show
school spirit and boost other students spirit. If not a large amount of pupils participate in things
for the school culture changes as participants change (Stoll). Not only do teachers change
schools culture, but a school's community can too. Even though it feels like communities joining
into school activities does not affect the school's culture it sincerely does.
School spirit is one of the biggest concept in an athletic program. Without school spirit
This lack of involvement and initiative often leads to dissent and hard feelings among the
students and their peers (Elder). Cheerleaders show major school spirit to show students to get

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more involved in activities. When cheerleaders get involved with chants Cheerleaders preserve
school traditions and come up with new ways to improve fan involvement (Draper). Throughout
the year cheerleaders promote and spread school pride, and that is what kids need all year.
Athletic programs additionally build great athletes to lead the school with a destiny.
Students that usually participate in athletic programs have higher graduation rates (Bark horn).
Facts have shown that Athletes had a GPA nearly a full point higher than non-athletes
(Koebler). Athletic programs teach students how to arrange their schedule to school and become
more efficient. Playing in a sport gives good self-discipline, to that particular athlete as well.
Athletic programs have shown that it can give schools high spirit, good culture, and provide
student athletes with a future.
Athletic programs have shown that it can give schools high spirit, good culture, and
provide student athletes with a path. With a community, an athletic program can be even stronger
than it is alone. An athletic program is something that should be within every school to give kids
a chance to be active and learn more. Having athletic programs persuades kids to come to school
with high school spirit and a better chance to become vigorous individual.

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Work Cited
Stoll, Louise. "School Culture." (1999): n. pag. Web.
Barkhorn, Eleanor. "Athletes Are More Likely to Finish High School Than Non-Athletes." The
Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Koebler, Jason. US News. U.S.News & World Report, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Draper, Ashley. "Role of Cheerleaders in an Athletic Departments Mission." N.p., 21
Sept. 2015. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Elder, Austin. "School Spirit Helps Out Everyone | Patch." Cartersville, GA Patch. N.p., 13 Oct.
Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Gil, Natalie. "Do Athletes Make Better Students?" N.P., n.d. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

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