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Chapter Reflection
Name: Jacqueline Lucas
Chapter Number: 2

This chapter focuses on the learning process and the foundation of learning. Many different
kinds of theories have developed over time. Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple
intelligences. These theories are based off of learning styles. Throughout time people may
develop their own style of learning. I for one am a visual and Kinesthetic learner. Another person
may be an Auditory or visual person. This all depends on their learning process and foundation
of learning.
With the help of technology tools like, EasyTestMaker or even Folio Spaces or many more, these
tools can be very important and seen as reinforcement tools for technology.
Learners are very diverse in many ways from learning styles to cognitive styles based on their
cultural heritage. With technology evolving throughout these years, Many tools and styles of
learning can be used in our advantage to learning.

Key Chapter Points

Point One. Learning can be thought of simply as a communication process.

Point Two. Environmental factors can interfere with a communication process that can cause a
message to be distorted or blocked.
Point Three. Psychological Factors are unique individual psychological differences that can affect
a communicated message.
Point Four. A persons Cognitive style can confuse a message presented in a different way.
Point five. A final factor that may be able to interfere with a communication process are personal
filters in which the message must pass
Point six. Behaviorists view all behavior as a stimulus-response in which behavior is a response
to an external stimuli.
Point seven. Cognitivists see learning as a mental operation.
Point eight. Constructivists see knowledge as a constructive element that results from the learning
Point nine. Cognitive styles can refer to specific tendencies and preferences that can determine an
individuals style of thinking.
Point ten. Learning style is another factor that can influence how an individual can learn.
Point eleven. Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a quantitative measure of intelligence that was once
thought to have been a definitive way to measure this capability within a specified range.
Point twelve. Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple intelligences, which was a new
view of intelligence.

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Point thirteen. Gardners theory consisted of Linguistic, Logic-Mathematical, Musical, Spatial,

Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, and Existential.
Point fourteen. One of the most common place uses for technology in instruction is a
personalized, focused reinforcement for learning.
Point fifteen. Learners are diverse in many ways from learning styles to cognitive styles based on
their cultural heritage and their unique learning needs.

Major Topics Covered

Topic 1: Theoretical Perspective of Learning
Topic 2: The Learner: A Closer Look
Topic 3: Technology for Learning
Topic 4: Teaching, Learning, and Using Educational Technology: A Person Synthesis
Topic 5: Technology to Address Diversity
Topic 6: Learning Styles
Topic7: Communication Cycle
Topic 8: Cognitive Learning Styles

With Chapter 2 talking about the different kinds of tools that we can use in our
technology, we can use them in our advantage in learning. Since technology is a big deal today
we should use those tools more often. I learned about the evolution of technology and how it
impacted us in major ways. I also learned about technology tools like EasyTestMaker and how it
helps us with the foundation of learning. I believe that more schools should be open to
technology and these methods of learning, such as learning tools, to help them in the future.

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