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Chapter Reflection
Name: Jacqueline Lucas
Chapter Number: 3

Planning is an essential component of every educator and learners life. I was introduced to
the planning process within the design-plan-act. The DID steps help develop a strategic approach
to certain things. Lesson planning is an outgrowth of instructional design. Technology enhances
learning but must be addressed when it is to be integrated into planning. However, there are
many challenges and opportunities when it comes to the integration of technology.

Key Chapter Points

Point One. Planning using dynamic instructional model design

Point Two. DID model
Point Three. Learning style
Point Four. Cognitive style
Point five. Multiple intelligences
Point six. Performance objectives
Point seven. Blooms taxonomy
Point eight. standards
Point nine. pedagogy
Point ten. Learning strategies
Point eleven. Assess
Point twelve. Revise
Point thirteen. E-portfolios
Point fourteen. Creating action plans
Point fifteen.

Major Topics Covered

Topic 1: Designing quality instruction
Topic 2: planning technology infusion for 21st century instruction
Topic 3: instructional planning: opportunities and challenges for teachers
Topic 4: creating action plans
Topic 5: from designing to planning

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Topic 6: planning using the dynamic instructional design model

Topic7: select support technologies
Topic 8: planning for 21st century instruction

Overall I learned a lot more than what I was expecting. In order to complete something or
do something, you must follow special criteria so that the information will not come out wrong.
Just like the DID model, teachers must use then when they are integrating technology into their
classrooms. This may cause some challenges but students can overcome that to achieve

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