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Corinne Hebert
Mrs. Coco
English 1001
29 November 2015
Annotated Bibliography
"Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K.
Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2008. 400403. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
This source is a general article on the basics of ADHD. It simply states what the disorder
is along with the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. This source is highly
reliable coming from Gale, a highly reliable database provided by LSU, and it not the
most helpful towards the paper. It is related to the topic but is not very specific. It is very
broad and gives general knowledge about the topic of the paper. This article gives the
background on the disorder and will help set up the argument.
Brand, Susan, Rita Dunn, and Fran Greb. "Learning Styles Of Students With Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: Who Are They And How Can We Teach Them?." Clearing
House 75.5 (2002): 268. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
An experiment was done on elementary school kids and the reactions to different
environments. Researches studied what affects their learning. They described problems
that people with ADHD have along with the stereotypes of it. This source could be
very reliable and be used as a way to back up my statements. The information comes
from an Elementary school teacher along with University Professors. It also comes from
EBSCO, which is a reliable school database and library network. Since there was an
experiment and research discussed in this article, data can be taken from this source to


back up facts stated in the paper. This source is not biased and based on facts. Source is
very helpful and can be used as data in the paper.
Greene, RW, et al. "Are Students With ADHD More Stressful To Teach? Patterns Of Teacher
Stress In An Elementary School Sample." Journal Of Emotional & Behavioral
Disorders 10.2 (2002): 79-89 11p. CINAHL Complete. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
This source is very informative and detailed. There were tests conducted to see how
teachers were affected teaching students with ADHD. It states how the experiment was
done and the results. The goal of this source is to explain how teachers are affected with
teaching students with ADHD. Compared to the other sources, this one is more difficult
to read and is hard to follow along. It is reliable coming from an academic journal and a
school database. This source is helpful, but might not be directly related to my topic.
There might be some summaries taken from this source, but not a huge part will be
incorporated into the IP paper.
Henderson, Kelly. "Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
Instructional Strategies and Practices-- Pg 3." Teaching Children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices-- Pg 3. U.S. Department
of Education, 03 Oct. 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
Stated is what ways students with ADHD will learn best. Different strategies are listed
for before, during, and after a lesson to best suit a student with ADHD. It also states how
teachers can respond individually to each students needs and how they can be involved.
This source is very helpful and is descriptive. It is highly reliable and comes from the
U.S. Department of Education. It is not biased and is factual, giving a lot of exact detail
on how to help students who suffer with ADHD. This gives my paper exact methods that
teacher can use which relates directly to my


Scott, Ed.D., Dr. Victoria G. "Teaching Students with ADHD to F.O.C.U.S.: A Learning
Strategy." John Hopkins University, Dec. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
The source states that for a student with ADHD, he/she needs to learn the proper learning
strategy and how to focus. It states explicitly how to develop the right strategy and how
to properly listen. Also it lists how teachers can record and observe students. The
information is reliable and comes from a school of education and a doctor. Also, it
directly relates to my research and is specific in how teachers can help students with
ADHD. This source provides exact ways to back up statements mentioned in my paper
and that it is possible for teachers to help students with this disorder.

Tonti, Stephen. ADHD As A Difference In Cognition, Not A Disorder. TED. April 2013.
A man named Stephen talked about his personal struggle against ADHD and how he used
it to his advantage. He also gave the two different types of teachers and how they act
differently towards students who have ADHD. This source could be biased since it is a
personal story. However, it is a popular network for academic talks making it
reliable. This could give the paper a different viewpoint. Instead of it being strictly about
teachers, it can explain how students see their own struggle of ADHD and how they feel
teachers help students like them.


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