Lesson Plan 4

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Lesson Plan

Grade: 2
Subject/Content Area: Informational Writing/Science
How to research
Goal/Objective: Students will start researching their animals
Standards: W.2.2 and W.2.5
Mentor text: I See Animals Hiding
Necessary Resources: Reading Textbook Imagine It!
1.) Focus/Bell Work/ Hook:
Students will read I See Animals Hiding on their own
2.) Introduction of Concepts/Goals/Standards:
Students will start researching and writing their informative piece about
animals camouflaging
3.) Steps of the Lesson:
As a whole group, students and instructor will go over the vocabulary for
the week with flashcards
As a whole group, students will read the I See Animals Hiding chorally
Instructor will introduce research topic to class asking the students to
come up with an animal
4.) Writing:
Students will find the definitions of the highlighted vocabulary words in
the glossary and write them on a separate piece of paper
Students will need to write their research in complete sentences
Students will hand in their research to the instructor so the instructor
knows how to help the students with their revising and editing
5.) Assessment:
Instructor will ask the students to write down what animal they are
researching and one interesting fact about it in a complete sentence(s).
Where does this lesson fit in the series of lessons in your unit?
The middle of the unit. This will be the fourth lesson of the unit.
What concepts do students need before this lesson?
Students need to know about complete sentences in order to know what other sentences
are. They also need to know about the different types of sentences so they know how to
form their sentences when writing their pieces.
What are next steps? How does this lesson prepare students for whats next?
This prepares students for learning the revising and editing stage of writing.
What do you expect to happen in the lesson, why?

I expect students might have a hard time trying to figure out what they need to write.
They think everything is important and it is not, so the students might need some
guidance so the research does not take longer than it should.
Purpose of the Lesson:
To teach students about researching and the start editing and revising.

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