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‘Towson University SCED Portfolio Child Study ~1* Semester Classroom Observational Notes (Mentor) ate: WIA ANNAN Actions and context of those actions (include specific examples like shouting out in class, slouching in chair, fall leep, etc one crugene frequeniy st slounes IN class wren worn nN +aske@ tnrugn snot wenodASs ome, Student WEBS TY Ta ead Oh desk. the and men AL BOE, oe WO mrs 9 and +nen stp and Seog Sa nis papervand even ms pants, Words and context of those words (be as specific about what he/she said and the situation): Participation in class eet like néver raising their hand, turning in homework, not trying unless prompted, etc . anctir nang OFM er Le, a) Be Seg ge SEC ra clOSS ASCE TONG Se aa TO angwte ne student wil pcfly wom on assignments and anern stoe Interactions with teacher and classmates (specific examples like always writing notes to a classmate, not looking teachers in the eye, insulting a particular student, etc.): 7 me SUGeNT AGE! or Loe TNE seacntr or Ly, a ee wut raise THe hand (ushile slouchny) emt stu soack autsrions Performance in your loss feperic arp he quay of worl aes pO petiole assignments, et: Ce ee HEC one NO 1 MIS GOH mentor m ns raul ap pe ‘pushed! the studint in otner casey Vag’ (© acid oe 1 C1OS\ Wwifh inape Apna Ht. penavoys. vaio tact seis) fants enh does Net "tSpond wel TD bang A enc 1d TO oe works mem ro sug om taling Wes ot aa Srna re CMidint wut ‘Sott not ful Fully Garth Udi a ‘Towson University 2 SCED Portfolio “a Child Study ~1* Semester Classroom Observational Notes (Mentor) Date: NIG 119 ‘Actions and context of those actions (Include specific examples like shouting out in class, slouching in chair, fallingasleep, etc): «student iaicl Mead on OLcic. aerequenny while wore +O The Board dur was (noe TO come UO TY 1 1 SOE WEE Merc CS iS pur a cnaracent tec in at WLC CALE Gong , dudene ‘walked up to cota wtad “dodb'n, nok loonng hapey or exaled foc Mine oad UKE “HE OMMEH TucLEMef Words and context of those words (be as specific about what he/she said and thestuation}: |, -/ . ng gcmemsprt dividual reuey, strug dana) Adon oh ae ond wo on ie ANAVAW wrod nisnand-fur alob every AULT studi ¥' ag cation in class (specific examples like never raising their hand, turning in homework, not trying C1! $< unless prompted,ete): *STUOCNE bedan woreng wiinedr nesta Nand 4 some POS «studi bansie Interactions with teacher and classmates (specific examples lke always writing notes to a classmate, not Coa looking teachers in the eye, insulting a particular student, etc): sAOTS NOK ety NUCMAILy |S PCOL OF interack Wirt any omer chads . student niet toonim dicline lunaw on anwer Mann perd Ore you pUnOUL NM & JoKinc mater d gant Min oMrs.marma, aperocud 0. oun Chua. ar ratenh ec Uae at lt So hi Sande + Skudap weap MuICIlYy wen MrOUgH IMO ne leit + was adie “+o pe yo? go BOUL TD ycurew. Sh toda Frcquenry veads iesidny 5 wadenh mn a PYCMOUs CIOSS ChSicecf + By ca oot wg 00 use 2 truer’ mats enjoy aorg ees — . otter student NAS Goode S Over worksnacd uci enadng glossary dunng revew oF a 7 Other relevant observations: gd MN stems to wnow me Malenal weil, est Cm) much moe ACME IN Caf) Mar Pray oO classes e SU ALN WOL ot rt revised January 2009 acne: PAH poy ee whan, Lom apd ro gre Claisy a u Wore = UPA aNd comin 499 Towson University “ecole 3 Child Study -1"* Semester Classroom Observational Notes (Teacher Other Than Mentor) SOCIAA Stuhiad ate: SANS i Actions and context of ea ‘actions (include specific examples like shouting out in class, slouching in ii ole eed By i A Nok tp wone Ae ae granny WporkcelE nok fe tal sttilnn Wore “student Will com, werk, but apo dooke COna SFO cory fe cee gk ee btn bn CODY ei eh fat ee a OO Ee es Pe Ete Participation in class (specific examples like never raising their hand, turning in homework, not trying unless prompted, ete): % oat, does not SpeaLtD omer Stu a eStudent stat ont fas Ke and Eee Leo orm b Stu alco parieapoted in Tw voting. ey bs ‘Using Mewar phones eseudnd? dud not Volunteer TO answer ree Interactions with teacher and classmates (specific examples like always writing notes to a classmate, not looking teachers in the eye, insylting a particular student, etc.): a DICAQL “does not re tN or tale Omer ‘ctu oerte S “ re ae es as ne ‘Beep yal ring a arte eae rs tran eset FO 1 the rade O B% ign, ote ebsecuston io aurticn pak eae heer ort alhothate commputed to Me = Atsuustio7 thy student spent ae same Pie DONNA gf ‘Towson University SSCED Portfolio Child Study ~1* Semester ‘School-Based Personnel Notes Make an appointment with another person at your school that works with your student. Make sure to explain who you are, your connection to Towson University, and who your mentor teacher is. Explain ~~~ that you want to know more about your student in order to better meet her/his needs in your classroom, vate: BIIZ/ IG 1) Inwhat capacity do you work wth this student? (reading specialist, special education teacher, guidance counselor teacher)? BLP ~Saktty pla) Ul y 2S ana ee b und 40 call un 40 gall an W + Follar a mugn Bt gradt/ 3.) What are your experiences with this student? Please give specific examples? | eve Ue ae 7am2, songinaliy On 4arge- - Nov. lec starred fo . 0 ete some wenanar : Mommy oy tm adefculbh OF no} WONnMY i} (00K) ORQmE ster deprdd 4D COMPLLKE “Woot . rus trod 0asT4e Late, unr Beata earner 11 we SNe anda, all ScFator eantve needs ofthis student? THIGE CIAL, TEP 1S eYULOS Coun ne tn. not for ABWAS MUN a Aa ak ov CALI 1101 Wag 2.2 2@ ms JUS nim on iG ma, Fasons bs possetyy | (nO Fare FIG cor out moe “nwds wenavior pian or pea if oO 40 ee im : nauca MAY NO Gwar New! 2 Pete umn oon te BURS tah O° CRORE shor ces Occur, eexta Tee TH »co-taughnt One ON ont WILE b- Pou d "ae student 1£ Stuck iayind nea Aerie he (mail benauaral Op Monin Eins etatettert ae asec fmuary2009 "OOM whit g wad aprvdusly punavd Wuds ond ANITW OLSHy my etLn bey Scnool ana Towson University SSCED Portflio Child Study ‘School-Sponsored Event Notes Date: SIZ11S tent School Band ICnaruJ/orcnestra assem How suertisinoedin the event cs FUAITNCT Memiocr. Observations of the event: All SEVENTH Gradeg were tanen 7 me wand /chawufochent asiemialy, Sudden wert taven Gur ofclass eam ao near Ye Concer: ¢ Relevant obsenations about student’ sol or pada ey ents Ct e6efoe Me OC aL wy sn srUdLNF aid not socialize wrt) “any oF Wy ny peers scat m chair /sloucted, head loowng down, swnen applause was gnc for Met pertommoyd ane stu b Gat +d, wey How, ApaMttc wapl Relevant observations about student's physical, emotional, or cognitive needs: me deny stems Whe Nt does Nor Mave many frien ds ana mot nt aces MOF WENT do really interact witn omner stUudtN Fy eThe Studenr Stems very Clostd OFF tO HIS peers, possioh| Frets uNcomforrabl. ralian yarn orrtr Srudeny or uNinterstred IM sociale How student reacted to your presence: “me student did not tact nm any significcn woy because we traveled tome event Wit) ant ene class Insight into how to better meet student’s needs in your classroom: me Student MAY Act TD Game have atom of CoUurlfcling or aA Mmtntor Some Stuatnt may fre! OBEN TO CommuM cote wag some ONL. Last revised January 2009 Towson University SCED Portfolio Chile Study Student Cumulative Folder Notes Date: ‘What, if any, trends do'you see in the student's attendance, grades, and behavior throughout their schooling? Te GTUAL- USUCIN ATi CEs a ran tm G-12 dGYS OF SCNOOL KEY year. 117 2012-1 he mMs5ea 2G AQ , oThe student nos “Fina grade of as @A's 205 2%, ana 2°D (phys ed) griclenr NA E's WW mae Quang grade bub ail MOF Nowe E'S Wo tH Final quae Scored PMRGENE Mosttuy and one dlchvein ce gL “an Weide are mixta QF ALS of B's 7 C's,.0 Cte inconsistencias, if any, that appear in the student's attendance, grades, and behavior. student docs nok fully Compare wo Bore Nok, COMpale HAY CISA, od DOMPERTL veshy wt New stuarons me en 4p adult requects! © neqanve wenavas a€eet Cee es 7 > GOI LSS wenawors wore, * KAA give beNavrsS 3 OY g Discuss aniy events that may have impacted the way the stu ABEL efor a COSI AIH ACHEd FwOUN aus cUrGAN TOO sausmup We TD peeU © Alling ows * physical aggressr) ; 4 AG Vor > fo-ehel sm Od ere WOR PRELIM ALP WRAY irransal ice What new insights into this student have resulted from a review of his/her cumulative folder that will inform your instruction? estucnis nas wb and. Snoved anarur Studie off HW char atiqutnt 7aMEe Ouls + Astuphas Coud nor Compuic woo m 2Fuo o' 2S —nohAcanr oF enn) april Me ZOd4 > nongrca rm ‘ arena ert ‘approachethis/her ‘work and/or WUT SHuichL Last revised January 2009,

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