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Name: Cole Hoffman

Title of Lesson: Do wind farms like the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm cause more
harm than good?
Grade: 5
NOTE: Please list at least two complete standards your lesson plan covers. [Common
Core State Standards (math and language arts), Next Generation Science Standards
(science), Arizona State Social Studies Standards (social studies)].
9. Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same
topic. (Common Core, 5th grade English)

Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use

science ideas to protect the Earths resources and environment. (Next
Generation Science Standards, 5th grade)

Provide an overview/synopsis of the lesson and the topics that it will cover. Make sure
to provide a reason why you selected this to be relevant for a unit on sustainability?
This lesson will cover both sides of the argument for and against massive wind farms.
The side for wind farms argue that it gives us a large source of clean renewable energy
while the opposition argues that wind farms have a huge environmental impact that is
dangerous to the existing wildlife in the area. Students will read two online sources
argue for both sides and they will decide for themselves which side they fall on using
their prior knowledge and what they have just read. They will then have to pick a side of
the room and argue for their side.
Describe what you want students to know/be able to do as a result of the lesson.
For example, Students will be able to
Students will be able to evaluate different sources and pick a side they agree most with.
Students will also be able to combine information they have learned and use a cost,
benefit analysis to decide which side is best for the environment.
What measures will you use to know if you students met the objectives?
Students knowledge will be measured by class discussions and their ability to argue
their side of the argument. They will also be evaluated by a paragraph long homework
assignment where they describe which side of the topic they are on.

What will students need to know prior to completing this lesson and how will you access
their prior knowledge?
Students will have to recall what they have learned in days 1-3 of this topic. They will
recall what renewable energy is, what wind energy is, how it works, and why we have
wind farms like the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm.
List of required materials.
Students will need pencil and paper.
List of key vocabulary terms.
Vocabulary Terms: wind farm, environment, habitat, wind energy, and renewable
Procedural Steps (Step by step instructions for teaching the lesson):

First the teacher must give a quick recap what was taught in days 1-3 (what is
renewable energy, how does wind energy work, and what is the purpose of wind
Then the teacher should give an introduction the 2 articles the students will read.
(One arguing wind farms are a great source of clean energy
and the other one arguing that wind farms are too harmful to the environment to
be used [])
Following start a session of popcorn reading and clarify any content that is
extremely important to the activity.
Once both articles are read designate one side of the room that is pro wind farms
and have the other side of the room be against wind farms.
Then instruct the students to pick a side that they MOST agree with.
Students will then have 7 minutes to argue their side and debate with the other
side on why their side should be the course of action taken by their state.
As the teacher make sure to encourage everyone to talk and dont be afraid to
help keep the debate going. *It is important however to not show bias. Make sure
the students are choosing for themselves.
After the 7 minutes is up offer the students a chance to switch sides if they were
persuaded by their classmates.
Once the class has settled down and everyone is on either side of the room
continue the debate for 3 more minutes and allow students to get their final

remarks in. If a student was persuaded have them explain why they were
Next, show them the video ( to
describe what the California state government current stance is one the issue.
Once the video is over stress that there is no right or wrong answer. Just
because the state government picked one side of the argument doesnt
necessarily mean that that is the way to go.
Lastly have the students start to write 1 paragraph on which side of the argument
they are on and why. If they do not finish before the bell let them know that they
must complete their paragraph for homework.
List any references you used to create this lesson. If you borrowed ideas from any
lesson plans please note them here. Use APA format.
Joyce, C. (2013, March 27). Is The Sky The Limit For Wind Power? Retrieved
December 6, 2015, from
Searchlight Wind Farm: A Closer Look. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015,
California Governor Signs Renewable Electricity Bill. (2015, October 7). Retrieved
December 7, 2015, from
Provide a complete explanation of how your lesson plan connects to futures, system,
strategic, or values thinking. Define the way of thinking you selected and used in this
lesson plan. Remember, this should be included meaningfully in the lesson plan.
This lesson connects to futures thinking because the main focus is to think if wind farms
are the best answer for the future of renewable energy. The lesson also connects to
values thinking because it asks students to weigh their values of environment vs clean
energy in the form of wind.

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