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Objective 1: Understand assessment as a construct, including its

own terminology, structures, applications, and interpretations

Assessment Is such a broad topic; it could mean a million different
things. Even within formal or informal assessments, there are so many
different structures and applications that could be used. Assessment could
mean different things depending on a childs age and ability. One of the best
things about assessment is that it can be chosen to target a specific area of
development. The specificity of these assessments are used to best inform
the teachers/professionals so they can interpret the results and apply
possible intervention.
I was able to experience this objective firsthand throughout the
semester; during our weekly lab assignments, we used various types of
assessment (both formal and informal, qualitative and quantitative). After
implementing these assessments, we would then interpret the results and
make recommendations based on those results. This allowed me to
familiarize myself with assessment terminology, structures, applications and
interpretations. It also allowed me to find a balance between using
assessment terminology but also framing things in a way that parents and
families of my children could understand.
I believe I have met and exceeded this objective throughout the
semester. This course, titled Assessment of the Young Child, has allowed
me to understand assessment as a construct, including its own terminology,
structures, application and interpretations. My experience in doing these

things will be helpful as I begin my future career as an early childhood


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