Noto Lesson 1 Cyt 201512040959

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Title of Lesson: Changing Your Thinking ~Thoughts and Feelings-(T1) Grade Level: 9" — 12" grades Duration: 45 minute class ASCA/NYSSCA National Standards and Competencies: Academic Standard A; Students will acquire the altitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span, ‘Competencies: A: A3 Achieve School Success + A: A3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with others, Standard C: Students will understand the relationship between personal qualiti education, training and the world or work. ‘Competencies: C:C2 Apply Skills to Achieve career Goals + C:C2.3 Leam to work cooperatively with others as a team member Personal/Social Standard A: Student will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Competencies: PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills + PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has right and responsibilities + PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view * PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences. New York State Learning Standard: Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Science Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment: Students will acquire the knowledge and ability to create and maintain a safe healthy environment. English Language Arts Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding: Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understandin; listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover rel concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information. English Language Arts Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction: Student will listen speak, read, and write for social interaction, Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted convention of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people, As readers and listeners, they will use the social communication of others to enrich their understanding of people and their lives. Learning Objective: This lesson will help students acknowledge the amount of negative thoughts they have vs. positive thoughts. Students will develop strategies to change a negative thought into a positive one. Co-Leaders: Another small group leader. Material: 6. Markers 7. Worksheets from session T2 8. Chart Paper 9. Pencil Accommodation: Student with a learning disability: When preparing for the presentation of this lesson, it is imperative that the professional school counselor provides a worksheet that includes specific terms and a set of instructions for a student with a learning disability of delayed information processing speed. In addition to this worksheet, the student will be allowed to receive extra time to complete the tasks. In more severe cases, the professional school counselor should assign a paraprofessional to sit with the student and guide the student through the lesson in a slower pace. In this situation, it would be advised that the student and paraprofessional sit in the back of the classroom in order to not become distracted and confused with the faster pace of the classroom discussion. Developmental Learning Activity: Introduction: the Professional School counselor begins by handing out T1.2 and T1.3. The counselor should remind students to be completely honest as they complete the two worksheets. Activity: 3. The counselor will ask all of the students to tally up their results on T14. After students tally up their total positive and negative thoughts the school counselor will ask a volunteer to share what they found and if they were surprised. 4. Group Work Time The professional school counselor will go through the cartoons with the group (1.1.1 & 1.1.2) by having volunteers read them. (A. counselor could extend this activity by having their students act out the scene.) 5, Individual Work Time Students will be given the negative thought tracking sheet and they will be asked to fill out the first row (except for the last column # of times I caught myself). Students should fill out the sheet based on an honest event that has actually happened to them in the past (counselors can help them by giving an example if necessary). Conclusion: The professional school counselor will lead a discussion asking students the following questions Whst did you notice about the situations you were negative about? What triggered this negative thought? How effective do you think your counter thought could be? *Students homework will be to see how many days they can track their own thoughts, The person with the most tracked thoughts and the best quality work will receive a prize. During next session, ADOLESCENT WORKBOOK CHANGING YOUR THINKING SESSION T1 Thoughts & Feelings Changing Your Thinking Session TL Page T12 EXAMPLES OF COMMON NEGATIVE THOUGHTS Cheek All that Apply Tm confused. Tam wasting my life __ Pim scared, Nobody loves me. PH end up living all alone, | don't have enough willpower. Ul never be successful I don't have any patience, There's no use trying, I never get it right. ‘That was @ dumb thing for me to do (or say). Life sucks Tm ugly person) __ Tean't express my fetings. Tl never find what I really want. 1 ean’t get close to people 1am worthless I'll my faut Bad things always happen to mo. {can't think of anything thet would be fun, Il never get over this depression, People don't consider friendship important anymore. Life is unfair | wish L were deed. | wonder if they are talking about me Things are just going to get worse and worse have a bad temper. ‘No matter how hard I try, people erent satisfied, il never make any good frends. Vm crazy. ‘There is something wrong with me 1am selfish ___ My memory is lousy. Lam not as good as (another I get my feelings hurt easily, Things are so messed up that doing anything about them is useless, Anybody who thinks tm nice doesn't know the real me, [ shouldn't even bother getting up in the morning. Ym afraid to imagine what my Tife will be like in ten years, Changing Your Thinking Session T1 Page T1.3 EXAMPLES OF POSITIVE THOUGHTS ‘Cheek All that Apply ___ Lifes interesting My family eares about me. __ [really feel great Vm attractive Tm having fun. People can count on me because I'm reliable {have great hopes for the future. ___ Fina good frend, T think I can do a good job at this. 1 think my Tife will urn out O.K. have good self-control. ‘ma generous person ike people. People like me. I make friends easily I care about people and the world. T have a good sense of humor have @ good memory. ‘There are some things that fm very yood a. Tm pretty lucky | deserve to have good things happen have some very good friends. 1 can learn new skills to gain control of my mood. __T know how to make my friends laugh, ‘Other people think that I'm fun tobe with Tm a good listener, People value my opinion, Tmas good as___(another person). im OK the way Iam, Good things ean happen, if you work at them. Im doing alright, Thnow how to deal with problems 1'm optimistic about overcoming depression, Even if i's a rainy day, can keep myself busy, Tima nice person. My fiends care about me. have enough time to accomplish the things I want to do in lif 1 can learn to have control over my thoughts and actions. {can find a solution to most of he problems that come up. Ever hings don't always go my way, Fl ive through it, have some skills (sports, reading, art, ete.) that 'm goad at Even ifthings are bad, [ know how to take care of myself often receive compliments for doing something wel. Changing Your Thinking Session T1 Page T1.4 THOUGHTS AND ACTIVATING EVENTS Do you have more negative thoughts or positive thoughts? Total number of positive thoughts (page TL Total number of negative thoughts = (pages T1.2) Changing Your Thinking Session TL Page TIS 1.1.1 COUNTER A NEGATIVE THOUGHT WITH A POSITIVE ONE HERMAN Jim Unger “Herman: © 1987, Univers Press Syndicate. Al sights served, Reprinted by pemisson Changing Your Thinking Session TI Page T1.6 1.1.2 COUNTER A NEGATIVE THOUGHT WITH A POSITIVE ONE WIZARD OF ID Jobnny Hart a! HAVE A 105" TEMPERATURE: lade aime \ | CAR, Wirard of Id: © 1988 King Features Syndicate, All rights reserved, Reprinted by permission of Johny Hart end. NAS. Ine Changing Your Thinking Session TI Page T1.7 NEGATIVE THOUGHTS TRACKING Starting Date (Optional) POSITIVE ¥ of times NEGATIVE ACTIVATING COUNTER- Teaught Day THOUGHT EVENT THOUGHT Myself 1 eee 6 Changing Your Thinking Session T1 Page TLS LIFE EXPERIMENT When, Where, How Often? 1. Keep track of negative thoughts, using page T1,7, ‘Try using the 3" x 5" card to take notes right after the thought occurs, then transfer the notes to page T1.7. Fill out your Mood Diary every day. _ -— Vv

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