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Kimberly Foster

Korin Holden
CEEN 1010

Transportation Design Problem

Putting some serious thought into this T highway, I have found the
most efficient way to proceed the project. This is by far the best way for
traffic wise and rush hours. With the traffic lights or stop signs replaced by
this design the traffic will flow much better. With these ramps it is much

more feasible for vehicles to keep their speeds of 45-55 mph at the highest
grade of 5%. With a short cut budget of about $2,818,228, it will help with
the budgeted project schedule of 203 days40.6 weeks.
Cost Estimate:

Traffic Signs
Total: $75,000
Clearing land (Trees, etc.)
o Wages (4 Guys)
o Truck Load Dumps
o Machinery (already own)
$250 Total:
Ramp #1
o Wages (25 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
1 mile of traffic barriers $100,000
Road Paint
o Machinery (already own)
o Bridge Structure (materials)
100 Ft tall arch,
mile long $300,000
o Engineer
Total: $1,119,900
Ramp #2
o Wages (10 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
Road Paint
o Machinery (already Own)
o Road Structure (1/4 mile)
o Engineer
$500 Total: $385,000
Ramp #3 (20 Guys)
o Wages
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement (etc.)
7/8 mile of traffic barriers $90,000
Road Paint
o Machinery (already Own)
o Bridge Structure)
50 Ft tall arch, 1/3 mile long
o Engineer
Ramp #4
o Wages (10 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement (etc.)
Road Paint
o Machinery (already own)


Road Structure (1/6 mile)


$450 Total:


Total: $2,818,228
Project Schedule:

Place Traffic Signs (3 Guys)

Clearing land (4 Guys)
Ramp #1 (25 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
Place barriers
Road paint
o Build Bridge Structure
Ramp #2 (10 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
Road paint
o Road Structure
Ramp #3 (20 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
Place Barriers
Road Paint
o Bridge Structure
Ramp #4 (10 Guys)
o Cement/Pavement
Road Pavement
Road Paint
o Road Structure

7 Days
7 Days


15 Days
5 Days
3 Days
50 Days


8 Days
2 Days
15 Days


14 Days
5 Days
3 Days
45 Days


8 Days
2 Days
14 Days

Total Days: 203


Total Weeks:

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