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QRTION 2: A YEAR IN FASHION ADVERTISING. Explore what dress styles (apparel, ‘eccessories, cosmetics, et.) manufacturers and/or retailers were selling and how they were promoting them during a single year. Learn which manufocturers/retailers were in business during ‘that year, What to bo: 1, Select o year between 1900 and 1974. Each person must research a different year 2, Research the historical context of your year. Address what wos going on politically economically, socially, technologically, culturally, et, during the selected yeor. 3, Selecta “target market" (eg, upper class midle-aging women, yourg mile class men, ete). 4, Review advertising in fashion periodicals that torgeted your consumer group ond that were published during your year. You may need to consult Mott or Peterson Yo determine which periodicals targeted your consumer group. On your poster, you will need to explain which Consumer group you selected ond to provide evidence that the foshien periodicals reviewed targeted this market segment. '5, Based upon your examination of fashion periodicals, answer the flowing questions: Which stores or brands seemed to be prominent advertisers inthe various magazines? How were the. ads of your year different and similar from ads of today? Consider (a) themes or appeals in the ods ond (b) design of ods. Tnclade imoges from primary sources on your poster, and use ‘these images in support of your conclusions 6. Based upon your examination of fashion periodicals ond artifacts fram the DM collection, what were the major trends in dress for your target market durin your selected year? Address clothing, accessories, and grooming. Include images from primary sources on your poster, and use/discuss these images in support of your conchsions. 7. Drowing upon all of your research, discuss how fashion trends were influenced by the historical context of the times. That i, how did political, economic, social, technological, and cultural contexts shape the dress worn by people in your target market? ‘This ie the either: 1. The format for this project consists of a poster, of one or more panels. Tt must stand upright and be large enough fer your audience to see, but small enough for ‘you to carry to and remove from the classroom,

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