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Nuclear Energy

By: Lucas Gretta and Andrew Maughan

POE Block 4

How is Nuclear Energy Classified?

Nuclear Energy is traditionally considered nonrenewable
some argue it could become renewable through breeder
reactors and fusion reactors

How is Nuclear Energy Made Usable?

Nuclear reactors operate by producing a fission chain
reaction in nuclear material which creates steam to drive a
breeder reactors can be used to produce more energy by
maximizing the efficiency of nuclear reactions

Nuclear Costs
Operating costs of nuclear reactors are low compared to
other sources
$3,850/kWe For building the plant

US Electricity Production Costs

Special Transportation Needs

Radioactive materials must be put into secure containers

There has never been a case where a highly radioactive material has been leaked.

Purpose built ships enforced by the International Maritime Organisation

introducing advanced safety features
The three largest purpose built transports are owned by Pacific Nuclear Transport
Nuclear transports include double hulls and impact-resistant structures

How widespread is the use of Nuclear Power?

Nuclear Reactors operate in 31 countries

Nuclear power accounted for 10.8% or 2457 TWh in 2012

Emerging Technologies

Implementation of Generation III technologies, these would make nuclear

reactors safer and more cost-effective.
Small Modular Reactors can be transported easily and used on small electric grids
Light Water Reactors have extended the operating times of current plants,
furthering productivity.
Fast-neutron Reactors use fission sustained by fast neutrons, and require rich
fissile material
Thermal-neutron Reactors use slow or thermal neutrons
Neutron energy or neutron detection temperature indicates on an atomic level the
energy of the reaction.
Higher temperatures = Higher kinetic energy

Environmental Issues

Produces less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels

Catastrophic impact if containment fails
Nuclear waste takes a long time to decay, millions of years for some types.

Works Cited

World Nuclear Association. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015. http://world-nuclear.

The National Academies. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015, from http:
"Plant Construction Costs." Islands for Offshore Nuclear Power Stations (2008):
79-80. Web. 1 Oct. 2015.

Breeder Reactors
Breeder Reactors create more fissile material than they
Light water reactors can extract 1% of energy in uranium and
thorium, breeders can reduce fuel requirements by a factor of
100, by extracting nearly ALL the energy


Uranium was formed in supernovas about 6.6 billion years ago

There are 6 naturally formed isotopes of uranium
Uranium 238 accounts for 99.7% of uranium found in nature
Uranium 238 has a half life of 4.47 billion years
Uranium 235 is the only natural fissile isotope - capable of sustaining a nuclear

Other Facts
80% of all uranium is mined in five countries, Canada being the only one that uses
uranium as well as exports it.

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