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Chapter Reflection
Name: Jacqueline Lucas
Chapter Number: 11

Chapter 11 discussed the key issues facing schools and teachers. One example would be
cyber bullying which impacts the district as well as school and its classroom levels. To ensure
that cyber bullying does not occur, schools are protecting student safety and privacy, to ensure
the academic honesty in the digital world which refers to the 21st century. Another issue that can
be problematic to students is sexting. This occurs to children and teens that are not fully mature
enough in their understanding of the ramifications of inappropriate interaction on the internet.
The rest of chapter 11 talked about the identification and exploration of many legal issues that
relate to technology implementation like AUP and ADA. It as well identified and detailed the
critical social issues that result from technology integration which include digital divide and
digital bridges in order to resolve such issues. This chapter also discussed ethical issues from
academic honesty to privacy that both teachers and students should and could experience as a
result from technology implementation. The final thing that chapter 11 talked about was the
challenges and opportunities inherited in identifying and responding to the many ethical, legal,
and social issues that are related to technology implementation in many schools.

Key Chapter Points

Point One. Cyber bullying

Point Two. Digital citizens
Point Three. AUP
Point Four. Acceptable use
Point five. Filtering software
Point six. CIPA
Point seven. Parental control options
Point eight. ADA
Point nine. Student privacy
Point ten. COPPA
Point eleven. Protecting student records
Point twelve. Copyright
Point thirteen. DMCA and TEACH
Point fourteen.
Point fifteen.

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Major Topics Covered

Topic 1: Technology Implementation: issues and concerns.
Topic 2: Parental control options
Topic 3: Software piracy
Topic 4: Legal Issues and Technology Integration
Topic 5: Social Issues and Technology Integration
Topic 6: Freedom of speech
Topic7: Ethical issues and Technology Integration.
Topic 8: Technology Integration: Opportunities and challenges

Overall I fully agree with everything that was discussed in chapter 11. In middle schools,
the teachers would explain to us the consequences of sexting and what would be the end results
from the actions we make. I would always hear stories about a young teen that carelessly made a
mistake, not knowing that there would be consequences awaiting her. The pictures that she sent
out to a stranger ended up saving that picture and posting it on social media. As a result, the
teenager would be made fun of and be called awful names and eventually moving to another
state or school if actions continued. Teachers and schools are here to help and make sure that we
as students are safe from deadly things on the internet like cyber bullying and cyber stalking as
that will leave a negative impact on the student.

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