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Design for Learning

Instructor: K. Fuller
Lesson Title: What to Wear
Curriculum Area: Science

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: K/Mrs. Robinson

Date: November 5, 2015
Estimated Time: 40 minutes

Standards Connection:
Science.K.9 (ALEX): Identify seasons of the year.
Describing seasonal changes in the weather
Learning Objective(s):
When given a worksheet, students will be able to correctly match the name of the season to the
clothes that are worn in that season with no errors.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
You are going to be able to match the names of the seasons to the clothes that are worn in that
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
The assessment worksheet has the four season names on the left side and four clipart pictures on
the right side. Each clipart picture represents a different season, according to the clothes that are
being worn. Students who match all 4 season names to the correct clothes will be in the green
range. Students who correctly match 2-3 season names to the correct clothes will be in the
yellow range. Students who correctly match 0-1 season names to the correct clothes will be in
the red range.
The teacher will read the book The Berenstain Bears Four Seasons by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
Okay boys and girls, today we are going to have a lot of fun! But first I need everyone to sit
down criss-corss applesauce. Listen to my song and then sing it with me! Open close open close,
give a little clap. Open close open close put them in your lap. The teacher will do hand motions
with this song, ending with her hands in her lap. Alright, now sing it with me! Open close open
close give a little clap. Open close open close put them in your lap. Great job! Now look down at
how you are sitting. You should sit criss-cross applesauce with your hands in our lap the whole
time, unless I ask you to move! We are going to read this book, The Berenstain Bears Four
Seasons by Stan and Jan Berenstain, to see what Brother and Sister think about the seasons!
What do you notice about the front cover of this book? Give me a thumbs up when you see
something that you want to share. The teacher will call on someone with their thumb up to share
an observation that they have made about the front cover of the book. Youre right! We see the
Bears tree house! But it looks kind of funny, doesnt it? What do you see in this corner? Give me
a thumbs up when you have an answer. The teacher will point to the top left corner and will call
on someone with their thumb up to share. Mama Bear is picking flowers in the tree! What season
does it look like here? Yes, it looks like spring! What is going on in this corner down here? The
teacher will point to the bottom left corner and will call on someone with their thumb up to
share. Brother is swimming in the pool because it is summer! What about in this corner? The
teacher will point to the bottom right corner and will call on someone with their thumb up to

share. Yes, Sister is playing in the leaves! What season would this be? Thats right, it is fall!
What do you see in this corner? The teacher will point to the top right corner and will call on
someone with their thumb up to share. Yes, Papa Bear is sticking out his tongue to catch a
snowflake! What season is it? Thats right, its winter! Great observations, boys and girls! What
do you think this story will be about? The teacher will except answers from the students. Well
just have to find out! Now I want you to listen closely as I read the story. The teacher will begin
reading the story. After reading the second page, she will explain to the students what a crocus
is. Okay, now this word, crocus, is a very big word! Lets say it together: crocus. Now look
closely at the picture. What do you think this word means? What is Brother pointing at? Thats
right, he is pointing to some flowers that have just began to grow! This type of plant is called a
crocus! The teacher will continue reading the story. That was a great story! We saw what all 4
seasons are like at the Bears home! Lets say the names of the seasons together: spring, summer,
fall, and winter. What changes throughout the seasons? Does it feel the same outside in every
season? No! The weather changes! It feels different outside in each season. Today we are going
to learn about how we wear different clothes in the different seasons! By the time we are
through, you are going to be able to match the name of the season to the clothes that we wear in
that season!
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will draw a four column chart on the board and will write the names of the four
seasons as the headings of the chart. Today, we are going to talk about what we wear during
each season! We are going to use this chart to help us! The teacher will point to the names of the
seasons and will read them out loud to the students. This says spring, this says summer, this
says fall, and this says winter.
Lets start with spring. In the spring, the weather is warm. The teacher will hold up an orange
piece of paper with the word warm on it. Lets read the word warm together. Warm. Great
job, lets add it to our chart. The teacher will tape the piece of orange paper with the word
warm on it to the board in the fall column of the chart. It is also very rainy in the spring. The
teacher will hold up a piece of paper with a raindrop and the word rainy on it and will tape it to
the board underneath the word warm. Now it can rain anytime of the year, but spring is known
for its rain! The book we read a few minutes ago said that April showers bring May flowers.
Have you heard this saying before? I have! Well, the rain that comes during the spring is what
makes all of the pretty flowers grow! Next, the teacher will show the students a picture that
depicts spring. What do you notice about this picture? Take 10 seconds to look very closely at the
picture and give me a thumbs up when you have thought of something. The teacher will call on
someone with their thumb up to share what they observe about the picture. Yes, it is raining!
What are the kids wearing? Yes, the boy is wearing a short sleeve shirt with long pants and the
girl is wearing a dress and a raincoat, and she is holding an umbrella! Why do you think that
they boy is wearing a short sleeve shirt, and why is the girl wearing a dress? Thats right,
because it is warm in the spring! Why do you think that the girl has a raincoat and an umbrella?
Yes, because spring is rainy! A raincoat and an umbrella help keep us dry when it is raining!
Lets add the words short sleeve shirt, raincoat and umbrella to our chart. The teacher
will write the words short sleeve shirt, raincoat and umbrella on the board in the winter
column of the chart. I have a box here full of different things that we wear throughout the year. I

need someone to come help me look through this box and pick out something that we would wear
or something that we would use in the spring! The teacher will call on a student who is sitting
quietly to come look through the box and pick out the clothing that is warn or used in the spring.
What is something in this box that you would wear or use in the spring? Think about what we
saw in the picture. The teacher will guide the student in picking out the umbrella. Very good! We
use umbrellas in the spring because it is very rainy!
Alright, now lets look at summer. In the summer, the weather is very hot. The teacher will hold
up a dark red piece of paper with the word hot on it. Lets read the word hot together. Hot.
Great job, lets add it to our chart. The teacher will tape the piece of dark red paper with the
word hot on it to the board in the summer column of the chart. Then the teacher will show the
students a picture that depicts summer. What do you notice about this picture? Take 10 seconds
to look very closely at the picture and give me a thumbs up when you have thought of something.
The teacher will call on someone with their thumb up to share what they observe about the
picture. Yes, there are kids swimming in a pool! What are the kids wearing? Yes, they are
wearing a swimsuits, goggles, and sunglasses! Why can we wear these things in the summer?
Because it is very hot! Did anybody swim in a pool this summer? What did it feel like when you
got in the water? It felt good, didnt it? Thats because the weather is so hot in the summer, so
getting in the water feels very good! Lets add the words swimsuit, goggles, and
sunglasses to our chart. The teacher will write the words swimsuit, goggles, and
sunglasses on the board in the summer column of the chart. Do you think that summer feels
hotter or colder than spring? Give me a thumbs up if you think you know the answer. The teacher
will call on someone with their thumb of to answer. Youre right, summer is hotter than spring!
Clothes that we wear in the summer can look similar to clothes that we wear in the spring, but in
the summer, we can wear even warmer clothes! We probably would not want to wear a swimsuit
in the spring because it is not hot enough to swim yet! Okay, now I need someone to come up
and find a piece of clothing from the box that we would wear in the summer! The teacher will
call on a student who is sitting to come look through the box and pick out the clothing that is
warn or used in the summer. What is something that you would wear or use in the summer?
Think about what we saw in the picture. The teacher will guide the student in picking out the
sunglasses. Great job! We wear sunglasses in the summer!
Okay, now it is time for fall! In the fall, the weather is cool. The teacher will hold up a light blue
piece of paper with the word cool on it. Lets read the word cool together. Cool. Great job,
lets add it to our chart. The teacher will tape the piece of light blue paper with the word cool
on it to the board in the fall column of the chart. Then the teacher will show the students a picture
that depicts fall. What do you notice about this picture? Take 10 seconds to look very closely at
the picture and give me a thumbs up when you have thought of something. The teacher will call
on someone with their thumb up to share what they observe about the picture. Yes, there are kids
laying in a pile of leaves! What are the kids wearing? Lets look at the boy first. He is wearing a
long sleeve shirt and long pants. Why do we need long sleeves, pants, and jackets in the fall?
Thats right, because the weather is cool in the fall! What about the girl? Yes, she is wearing a
short sleeve shirt and a skirt. In the fall, most people wear long clothes because it is cool!
Sometimes we can still wear short sleeve shirts, but not for much longer! Lets add the words
long sleeve shirt and pants to our chart. The teacher will write the words long sleeved
shirt and pants on the board in the fall column of the chart. Do you think that fall feels hotter
or colder than summer? Give me a thumbs up if you think you know the answer. The teacher will
call on someone with their thumb of to answer. Youre right, fall is colder than summer is! Would

we be able to wear a swimsuit, flip-flops, or shorts in the fall? No, we would be so cold! Thats
why we need to wear long clothes in the fall! Okay, now I need someone to come up and find a
piece of clothing from the box that we would wear in the fall! The teacher will call on a student
who is sitting to come look through the box and pick out the clothing that is warn or used in the
fall. What is something that you would wear or use in the fall? Think about what we saw in the
picture. The teacher will guide the student in picking out the long sleeve shirt. Great job! We
wear long sleeves in the fall!
Alright, now its winter time! In the winter, the weather is very cold! The teacher will hold up a
dark blue piece of paper with the word cold on it. Lets read the word cold together. Cold.
Great job, lets add it to our chart. The teacher will tape the piece of dark blue paper with the
word cold on it to the board in the winter column of the chart. Then the teacher will show the
students a picture that depicts winter. What do you notice about this picture? Take 10 seconds to
look very closely at the picture and give me a thumbs up when you have thought of something.
The teacher will call on someone with their thumb up to share what they observe about the
picture. Yes, there are kids playing in the snow! What are the kids wearing? I see big coats,
gloves, hats, and scarves! Why do you think we need to wear all these clothes in the winter?
Thats right, because the weather is very cold in the winter! Now here in Alabama it does not
snow every year. Has anybody played in the snow before? Me too! Was it cold? Yes, the snow is
very cold! Thats why we need all of these extra clothes! Lets add the words coat, gloves,
hat, and scarf to our chart. The teacher will write the words coat, gloves, hat, and
scarf on the board in the winter column of the chart. Do you think that winter feels hotter or
colder than fall? Give me a thumbs up if you think you know the answer. The teacher will call on
someone with their thumb of to answer. Youre right, winter is colder than fall! We talked about
how we need to wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants in the fall. Do you think that we still need
long-sleeve shirts and long pants in the winter, too? Yes, we do! But in the winter, we have to
wear even more clothes than we wore in the fall! Thats why we see the scarves and gloves and
other things in the picture! Okay, now I need someone to come up and find a piece of clothing
from the box that we would wear in the winter! The teacher will call on a student who is sitting to
come look through the box and pick out the clothing that is warn or used in the fall. What is
something that you would wear or use in the winter? Think about the clothes that we saw in the
picture. The teacher will guide the student in picking out the gloves. Great job! We wear gloves
in the winter!
II. Opportunity for Practice:
The students will be put into partners. Each partner pair will be given 8 small pictures of clothing
and a file folder that has been divided into 4 sections. Each section will be designated for one
season. The spring section will have the word spring as well as the picture of spring that we
looked at earlier. The summer section will have the word summer and the picture depicting
summer. The fall section will have the word fall and the picture depicting summer. The winter
section will have the word winter as well as the picture depicting winter. With their partner, the
students will look through the 8 pictures and match them to the correct season on the file folder.
There are two pieces of clothing per season. Okay, boys and girls, now I am going to put you into
partners! The teacher will assign partners and will spread them out on the carpet. I am going to
give each pair a file folder game! This is what it looks like. The teacher will open the file folder
to show the students the four sections. If you look here, you can see 4 sections! This section says
spring, this section says summer, this section says fall, and this section says winter. I

am going to give each pair 8 pictures of different things that we wear throughout the year. Lets
look at each one. The teacher will randomly hold up and name each picture for the students to
see. This is a rain boot, these are goggle, this is a scarf, this is a long sleeve shirt, these are
sunglasses, this is a raincoat, this is a toboggan, and these are long pants. With your partner,
look through these 8 pictures and match them to the right season. There are 2 pictures for each
season. How many pictures are there for each season? Thats right, there are 2! If you need help
reading the words on the file folder or if you need help remembering what the pictures are, raise
your hand and I will come help you. The teacher will pass out a file folder and a Ziploc bag of
the 8 pictures to the each partner pair. The teacher will walk around and help students read the
words as needed.
III. Assessment
You all did an excellent job with your partner! Now it is time to try it on your own! The teacher
will pass out the assessment worksheet and instruct the students to sit at their table. When I give
you the worksheet, take it to your table. Lets look at this together. The names of the seasons are
on this side of the worksheet. The teacher will point to the side of the worksheet with the
seasons names. Lets read them together. Spring, summer, fall, winter. Good job. On this side of
the worksheet, there are 4 pictures of people wearing clothes that you would see in a specific
season. Your job is to draw a line from the name of the season to the clothes that you would wear
in that season. Think about what we saw the children wearing in the pictures earlier and how the
weather feels in each season! Are there any questions? If you need help reading the words again,
raise your hand and I will help you. Remember to write your name and the date at the top! When
you are done, bring the worksheet to me and then sit down quietly on the carpet.
IV. Closure:
When all of the students are finished with the assessment and are sitting back on the carpet, the
teacher will review each season with the students. We have learned so much today! Give me a
thumbs up if you remember what people wear in the spring. The teacher will call on someone
with their thumb up to answer. Thats right! People wear raincoats, rain boots, and use
umbrellas in the spring. Why do they wear this? Yes, because it is warm and rainy! What about
summer? What do people wear in the summer? The teacher will call on someone with their
thumb up to answer. Right! They wear things like swimsuits, flip flops, and sunglasses! What
about fall? The teacher will call on someone with their thumb up to answer. Yes, people wear
long sleeves and long pants in the fall! How about winter? The teacher will call on someone with
their thumb up to answer. Thats exactly right! People have to bundle up with scarves, gloves,
and toboggans in the winter!
Materials and Resources:
The Berenstain Bears Four Seasons by Jan and Stan Berenstain
White board and marker
Watm, Hot, Cool, and Cold cards (attached)
Pictures of the seasons (attached)
Box of clothing materials (umbrella, sunglasses, long sleeve shi, and gloves)
File folder game and 8 pictures of clothing (pictures of clothing items are attached as well as a
picture of file folder)

Assessment worksheet (attached)

Worksheet for students in the green range (attached)
"The Four Seasons" YouTube video for students in the red range (
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who match all 4 season names to the correct clothes will be in the green range. Students
who correctly match 2-3 season names to the correct clothes will be in the yellow range.
Students who correctly match 0-1 season names to the correct clothes will be in the red range.
Green: Students in the green range will be given a worksheet with four blank figures. They will
be instructed to draw and color clothing on the four figures for each season. This worksheet is
Red: Students in the red range will watch a YouTube video called The Four Seasons. This
video sings a song describing the weather seasons and shows what children wear during each of
these seasons. After playing the video, the teacher will go back through and play each seasons
section individually. She will pause between each season and will point out what the children in
the video are wearing for that season.
Data Analysis:
After collecting the assessments, I analyzed the data to see how the students performed. Two of
the four students matched all four season names with the correct clothing, so these students are in
the green range. One student matched two of the seasons with their correct clothing, so he is in
the yellow range. One student did not correctly match any of the seasons with their clothing, so
she is in the red range. The student in the yellow range mixed up spring and winters clothing.
The student in the red range was very confused about drawing lines from the word to the picture.
Since she was having trouble, I walked her through each season without giving away the
answers. I ended up reading each seasons name for her and asking her which picture represented
the clothing worn in that season. Then I assisted her with drawing the line from the name of the
season to the picture she chose. Even with this extra assistance, she did not match any of the
seasons correctly. She is definitely in need of re-teaching and extra practice. The students who
matched all four seasons to their clothes correctly were very confident and proud of their
answers. It was fun watching them perform well.

Assessment Data




This lesson was my favorite to prepare and teach. I really liked the book that I used for the
engagement (The Berenstain Bears Four Seasons by Jan and Stan Berenstain) because it worked
perfectly with the content being taught in the lesson. It was also very appropriate for
kindergarten, and the students were familiar with the characters. I also think that using pictures
was beneficial because it kept the students engaged and was a good way for the students to
visualize the clothes worn in each season. In addition, using concrete objects was helpful. It was
a good way to formatively assess the students in the midst of the lesson. One part of the lesson
that I wish I had done differently was the chart on the board. Since the students are still learning
to read, I am not sure if filling out a chart on the board throughout the lesson was beneficial. I
should have used a more age appropriate method for recording the content. Also, the assessment
seemed to be too complicated for one of the students. As mentioned in the data analysis, she did
not understand the concept of drawing a line from the seasons name to the clothes worn in that
season. One thing that I need to improve on is classroom management. Even though I only taught
the lesson to four students, it was difficult to keep some of them focused throughout the whole
lesson. I hope to improve on my ability to manage students and make sure that they stay on task
while I am teaching.

Samford University
Design for Learning





Pictures of the Seasons for Teaching

Pictures for Practice File Folder Game

Name: _________________

Date: ______________

Match the name of the season to the clothes that are worn in
that the season!




Name: ___________________

Date: _______________

Draw and color clothes that you would wear for each season!





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