1-d Kinematics

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1-D Kinematics

1.) Between 1 and 10, where 1 means "not at all", how satisfied
are you with the effort you put into your work throughout this unit?
Between 1 and 10, I would say a 7 on how satisfied I am with my
effort. I say a 7 because I completed all my homework thoroughly,
but I could have put more effort into my notes to help me
understand the unit better. Additionally, I paid attention in class
and listened which can sometimes be challenging for me.
2.) What did you find most challenging about this unit?
I found the position time graphs and velocity time graphs the most
challenging part of this unit. It was a lot to understand for me, and
I often got confused. I found most of the simpler problems very
easy, but when they got more complicated, I found myself having a
really hard time drawing the graphs for each situation.
3.) Was there anything you particularly enjoyed in this unit?
I enjoyed describing motion with diagrams. I really liked
experimenting with the ticker tape diagrams, and seeing how they
varied. I also enjoyed the part of determining if the object was
speeding up or slowing down based on the pattern.
4.) Is there anything you want to do differently in our next unit?
No, I really enjoyed the way in which the unit was taught. I enjoyed
the mixture of worksheet activities, but also interactive activities. I
look forwards to learning and working on the new unit!
5.) How are you organizing yourself in physics? Are you primarily
paper, computer, or a combination of both? Do you feel confident
that you will be able to access your 1-D Kinematics materials when
it comes time to prepare for the January exam?
I am organizing myself in physics by keeping all my notes,
classwork, and homework on my computer in one note. I feel very
organized, and I feel very confident that I will be able to access all
my 1-D kinematic materials when it comes time to prepare for the
semester exams.
6.) What can Mrs. Drake do to help you as her physics student?
There is nothing I can currently think of that Mrs. Drake could help
me as a physics student. I do think that seeing her outside of class
occasionally during office hours could be very beneficial when
preparing for tests.

7.) Is there anything else you think would be helpful for Mrs. Drake
to know at this point in time?
No, I feel pretty confident going into the next unit. I do think it
would be helpful for her to know that sometimes I am not sure of
what to study when I am preparing for tests.

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