Deal With It Ch. 2

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Deal With It

Somewhere in Apemon's mind. A tiny island in a sea of blood lust, thought about how
considerably dangerous the Witchmon before him was.
Before, the girl that had turned into this digimon had gave off the scent of repressed fear,
the emotion buried underneath a burst of determination at the sight of the threat against
her new friend.
Now, though, as a digimon, the girl had seemed to give into the fear and had turned it
into power. This power was being controlled by a very rare and powerful will held by
the girl, but their were some loose ends.
The manic grin and the slightly crazed look that came with the anger and madness of the
transformation seemed to make the digimon stare with awe at how the girl had
transformed, but also in slight fear at the expression.
Even Salamon was unnerved at the emotions that seemed to drift off the earlier
understanding, but extremely shy and nervous girl. Salamon shook off the feeling,
slightly guilty at being scared of the girl who had talked to her. Salamon sat back on her
haunches and waited for what was about to happen.
Witchmon, who was earlier just a normal girl named Harley, set her sights on the raging
Apemon, who now seemed ready to take a bite out of her, and giggled a bit, find a
humorous tidbit at the large yellow monkey.
Harley had never felt like this before, having so much power compared to her old self,
although the power seemed to be very chaotic, it was still quite exhilarating and even
slightly addictive feeling.
Harley had beat down the crazed feeling the power had given her for the first few
seconds, but their was still a slight influence on her an she noticed it all to well. Her
thoughts kept ranging from mad to happy, it was like she was on a unending sugar rush
of emotions.
She tried to control herself and get back to the battle, remembering that she was even in
this form to begin with. At the thought of Salamon in danger, Witchmon felt a pit of
anger grow in her stomach, acting as a key for the lock on some of the dampened
madness inside of her.
Witchmon saw red, letting out a dark giggle at sent shivers down some of the spectating
digimon. Before Apemon could react, Witchmon flew towards him like a blur on her

broom, appearing right in front of the bewildered digimon. On instinct in this situation
alone, Apemon jumped back trying to distance himself from this new variable in the
Witchmon reeled a hand back before releasing it yelling Balaluna Gale!, making a
swift and powerful collection of slightly purple wind whip towards the enraged digimon.
Apemon gathered his sense and yelled Metallic Fur!, his fur gained a silverfish
gleam, hinting at the effectiveness of the technique. The purple gale struck, but did
nothing to the protected Apemon, who was now grinning at the minor victory over his
Witchmon growled slightly in annoyance at her failed attack, flying again at the yellow
monkey with intent to attack once more. Apemon picked up his bone and swung it, once
again yelling, Mega Bone Stick!. The attack caught Witchmon off guard, making her
try to dodge the quick moving bone that glowed slightly with power. She, however, was
grazed by the bone causing her to be repelled back, spinning, before hitting the side of a
tree, leaving an indention.
She fell to the ground with swirls in her eyes, and the Apemon saw rather quickly for an
enraged digimon that she was momentarily out for the count.
The Apemon made a dash for the dazed digimon and was reeling back its slightly
glowing bone. Before he could finish the attack however, Witchmon came back to the
world of the living, and was met with the sight of the glowing bone covering the sky.
Now, looking up at the sky and seeing a giant object that could take out trees with ease
isn't exactly the thing you want to do when you just got barely hit by it and it still felt
like someone used your body as a pinata.
Witchmon instinctively rolled out of the way, grabbing her broom that had gotten
thrown slightly away due to her bout of chaotic dizziness.
She only barely escaped the attack, before the tree that had stopped her rapid disarray
was turned into a plethora of toothpicks. Witchmon made use of the time that Apemon
used to get over the shock of missing and the exertion it used for it to use the attack to
make a quick dash towards the digimon.
She quickly got into its face with the use of the now in-use broom, making the Apemon
widen its eyes in shock at the surprising counter attack, and shoved her red gloved hand
behind her, in a throwing position, with a devilish grin that would have seemed kind of
cute and somewhat playful if it wasn't for the anger and darkness that had taken

residence with the pearly white teach that gleamed in disturbed happiness.
She quickly yelled without any hesitation Aquary Pressure!, a purple mist quickly
gathered around her hand, making her only hesitate for second for it be in ready use, and
then throwing the mist at Apemon.
The mist turned into a torrent of purple water that threw back Apemon sufficiently far,
making him knock into one of the walls around the village. Salamon used this
opportunity to throw a bit of salt into the wound by charging head on and yelling
Sledge Crash!.
Witchmon stifled a giggle at the downed Apemon getting hit by the much smaller
Salamon, it looked slightly ridiculous with the size difference.
Witchmon once again turned her attention once more towards the Apemon on the
ground, and the amused, and lighthearted look disappeared, only to be replaced by a
dark look that promised the end.
Witchmon walked over to the Apemon that was laying only barely conscious. She
nudged Salamon away from the digimon with a warm smile, but instantly giggled at the
sight of the defeated digimon. Salamon didn't like the look on Witchmon's face and
wondered where the nervous Harley went.
She thought about helping Apemon, maybe thinking of seeing if Witchmon might could
just knock him unconscious and take him somewhere far away, but their was something
that stopped her, maybe it was anger at the digimon, or even indifference, but the
emotion didn't seem very friendly, however it was so compelling.
Salamon just sat back once more, watching the scene unfold before her, trying to make
sense of these emotions that seemed to come from nowhere. Witchmon looked at
Apemon, who had now regained something that was similar to lucidness, and smiled as
she realized that it was time.
She stared into Apemon's eyes, piercing him with her gaze that held a whirlwind of
untamed emotions. She raised her hand, and whispered in a way that only Apemon and
Salamon could even hear a semblance of what she said, Balaluna Gale, a threw down
her hand in a manner that would not look out of place at an execution, for that was what
this was.
An execution of the digital equivalent.
Apemon tried to put up a defense, even tried to force his Metallic Fur to activate, but the

purplish gale still struck. It struck in a way that it tore at Apemon's skin, depleting him
of the last bits of energy he had left, making him take on the form that all digimon
would go through when the time came.
A bright light shined from the Apemon, making Salamon shield her eyes with her paws
and Witchmon squint in irritation. The bright light slowly lost its power and disappeared
to leave a Digi-egg. Witchmon watched in satisfaction as the egg started to float off,
going somewhere to be reborn.
Witchmon was suddenly surrounded by a great gathering of code lines, which quickly
dispersed, leaving a wobbling Harley.
Harley looked around for a bit before finally coming to terms with the stress and
activities she had just been with and promptly....fainted.
Salamon quickly jumped to her new friend, hoping she was okay, only to find in relief
that she was sleeping like a baby. Salamon was about to run over to other digimon to get
them to help, but was suddenly picked up by a still sleeping Harley and was
embarrassingly used as a cuddle toy.
Salalmon's cheeks lit up at the situation she was in and tried to get out, only to find that
Harley's grip was shockingly strong.
She started whining a bit with the exertion she was using and finally gave up with a
great sigh, resigning herself to waiting for the teacher to get hear and help her out of her
escape her recent residence.
Harley looked down at the road she was walking on. It was a bright day and the sun
seemed to smile at her, praising her with the gifts of its light. Harley allowed a small
smile to root itself onto her face, the sun was one of things that she loved most about
No matter what happened, how bad your life was, the sun never failed to rise and shine.
Harley dropped the smile she had gained and thought over the recent things she had
went through. Once she had awoken from her fitful sleep, probably could do better by
calling unconscious, she had sat through a small rundown of where exactly she was.
The MudFrigimon had gratefully helped her by telling her of the hard times that had
befallen the digital world, Harley head was still slightly reeling by the fact that for
whatever reason she was picked to be abnormal as MudFrigimon had put it when it

came to actually turning into a digimon.

Lets just say that she and MudFrigimon could agree on the fact that they didn't expect it
to happen, I mean really who would?!
Harley glanced over to her left where Salamon, in all of her puppyful goodness, was
walking along side her, having taken up Harley's activity of watching the scenery.
Harley's timid smile came back with a vengeance when she remembered how Salamon
wanted to come along side her, to be a guide and a companion Salamon had offered.
Harley didn't really need much encouragement about taking her along, she felt slightly
more comfortable with Salamon, and she also really disliked the stories of subtle abuse
performed by the other digimon. The thought of Salamon getting hurt physically or
mentally made her insides start to heat up.
She was halfway through thinking about what she would do to the little monsters before
she caught herself. That was another thing that was alarming.
She had never had a particularly strong temper, evident in the fact that her very timid
nature eroded what flare she had, but ever since the battle with Apemon and becoming
Witchmon she had found that she was starting to lean towards a much darker state of
thought every so often.
The thoughts of Witchmon unfortunately brought up the memories of the power she had
felt while being her.
It was so chaotic, but almost sweetly so, like a candy apple laced with poison. Very
delicious, but tooth decay would be the last thing you would need to worry about. It took
a lot of Harley's will to hold on to the walls of her psyche and not start swimming freely
into the sea of strength.
Harley almost cringed at what might have happened if she hadn't stopped in time. She
might have stayed in her train of thought for a long time, but before she could continue
she heard a slight oomph! From behind her she found Salamon laying on the ground
rather tired.
Harley looked up into the sky and found that the sun had started to make way for the
moon or whatever would come up with the nighttime sky.
Harley looked around and focused on finding a spot for her and Salamon to rest at. She
sighed contently when she found a good strong tree to work with. She looked up at the
now light purplish sky and one thought resounded through her mind.

'Destiny, huh?'
A/N I hope you liked! Please review about anything you might want to know or if
you just want to give a helpful suggestion. Please comment if Harley doesn't exactly
fit the whole shy and scared of everything quota, I still getting used to writing her
type of character, and hopefully throughout the rest of this story I will improve! So
thank you for reading and I hope you will continue reading!

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