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WP1 Reverse Outline

Alex Enfield
Main Point of Paragraph

What You
and Why



Final, Revised


The tragic shooting at

Northern Arizona
University has
grasped the attention
of many Americans on
the social media sites
Twitter, Instagram,
and Facebook, all to
the advantage of
politicians in support
of gun control.

Many Americans use

social media posts to
address their own ideals
to the public--such as
with the Northern
Arizona shooting--but
understanding the
conventions that
surround this genre
allows one to form their
own opinion without
being manipulated by
the authors use of

-I wanted to make my
thesis statement more
direct about what my
essay would discuss,
so I included how
Americans use tragic
events to discuss their
own stance on


There are many

Twitter, such as
the word count,
and the ability to
retweet or

Twitter limits the users

word count, which is
why it is not a site used
to discuss serious
topics, such as politics.

-I omitted a lot of the

surrounding Twitter
and discussed more
of the importance of
the conventions.


Instagram posts
consist of
pictures with a
caption that has
characters, so
many people use
the site to vent.

Many politicians use

sensitive topics, such as
mass shootings to
promote their own
political views.

-I also omitted a lot

of the conventions
Instagram and
discussed how the
site is used after
tragedy hits in


Facebook posts
tend to consist of
more sensitive
and political

Instagram is used
mostly to scan pictures
quickly, which is why
most politicians dont
use it to promote their
political views.

-I broke my essay up
into more paragraphs.
I decided that I
needed to include
direct examples of
Instagram posts.

WP1 Reverse Outline

Alex Enfield

Although each site has

various conventions,
when you compare them
to one another they
begin to resemble each
other quite closely.

It is more likely to stir

up a political debate by
posting a very shocking
political cartoon than to
write a long comment
in regards to the

-Once again, I felt

that it would be
beneficial to discuss
importance as a genre
in more detail.


Studying different
conventions can help
you to get started on
your writing, but it does
not and should not have
to dictate what your
writing should look like

Since Facebooks word

count is nearly
limitless, it is a great
outlet for politicians to
promote their own
political views.

-I discussed
importance for
Americans interested
in sparking up more
serious debates.


No 7th paragraph

American politicians all

used the NAU shooting
and Facebook to
express their stance on
gun control laws.

-I wanted to show
how widespread
Facebook posts can
be and how they have
the power to make
people take action
after a tragedy.


No 8th paragraph

Most of the posts are

directed towards people
who are eligible to vote,
because this tragedy in
particular is part of a
deeper rooted problem
in America, which is
gun control.

-Including the
audience and the so
what part to my
entire essay seemed
necessary to make my
essay stronger.


No 9th paragraph

The words and images

that a politician chooses
to use can have the
power to alter their
audiences political

-If an audience is
unaware of genre
conventions, they are
more likely to be
persuaded by a
famous figures use
of rhetoric.

I felt that it would benefit my entire paper if I broke up my essay into more paragraphs. I
omitted a lot of fluff-- that I didnt realize was fluff at the timethat I had included in my

WP1 Reverse Outline

Alex Enfield
original WP1. I deleted out a lot of the information that discussed the physical appearance of the
social media sites, because I realized that I was not tying this information back to an argument. It
was just useful junk that was wasting up my precious and limited writing space. I instead focused
on including direct evidence of Tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook posts discussing the
Northern Arizona shooting. I think that by including the actual posts from the users of these
social media sites, my audience will be more engaged in my essay. I also found it easier to
analyze the direct quotes than to just analyze the physical conventions surrounding each social
media site.

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