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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: The Gizmos Party by: Paul Shipton

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Brenner

Grade Level: 3rd grade, reading level J

Time Allotted: 35 minutes

Materials Required:
Four copies of the text The Gizmos Party, alien headband, QAR chart
Common Core Standard:

Reading Standard for literature k-5 or Informational text k-5: (Comprehension

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations,
or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

The student will {Blooms taxonomy verb}
1. The student will interpret (analysis) how characters actions changed the ending of the story
by identifying the turning points.
Purpose of lesson:
The purpose of this lesson is for students to discover how one action can change a whole
sequence of events. In order to do this, students will need to be able to comprehend and evaluate
critical components within the story. To properly comprehend, students will need to understand
the text and incorporate previous knowledge.
Instructional Procedure:

Students will need previous background knowledge of understanding consequences, both

positive and negative, that come from actions. Students also need to have reading comprehension
strategies set in place for when they dont understand a certain part of the text.


Essential Elements

8 min.

Anticipatory Set: To begin the anticipatory set, I will put on an alien headband and
pretend to be an alien. Then in an alien voice, I will ask the students what would you
do if an alien came to your house? After hearing their responses, I will ask students
what would be different about your life if you had met an alien?
To provide brief review of previous related lessons: I will ask students has
anything ever dramatically changed your life? Then I will give them the example of

2 min.

me going to college and how that dramatically changed my life.

1. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
a. These objectives are important because it will help students better
understand how to dissect stories and will give them tools for
understanding when turning points throughout a story take place. These
objectives are also helpful because they will allow students to discover,
through questioning, where and why actions happen within a story.
c. Behavioral expectations: Students will not talk when I am speaking, and
will raise hands to either ask questions or answer questions. I expect them to

20 min.

participate in the activities.

2. Instructional Input Plan:
Modeling: Picture walk through the text. I will introduce the book and show students

the front and back cover, and then I will go through the book showing a few pictures.
Once I get to the middle of the text I will ask students based on the pictures you see,
what do you think is happening in this book? Then I will go through the words
hologram. Gizmo, and gadgets with students to explain their word meaning and
pronunciation. These words will be written on a white board. Then students will flip
through the story are to: look at pictures to see what might be happening in the story.
Students will be given a list of 3 questions to use as a resource during reading. These
questions will show them important information to look for and understand while
reading. I will explain to the students that they can fill out the answers to these
questions if they choose to, but it is not necessary. There three questions will be:
1. What happened after Albert Gizmo broke his mothers hologram phone?
2. Why did the aliens become very angry?
3. What event made the aliens decide not to destroy Earth?
As a group, before students begin reading, I will teach students the Question-Answer
Relationship strategy to help them throughout their reading. I will explain to students
the four types of questions, and will post a poster in the classroom that states:
1. Right There Questions: Literal questions whose answers can be found in the
text. Words used in these questions are often the same exact words in a text.
2. Think and Search Questions: the answers are found throughout the text, and
must be put together to create meaning.
3. Author and You: these questions are based off of the text, but students are to
relate it to their own life. The student must have read the text to understand
exactly what the question is asking.
4. On My Own: questions do not require that students have read the text, but the
student must use their prior knowledge to be able to answer the question.

Then as a group, we will discuss and determine which type of question #1 is.
Guided Practice:
After determining together as a class, students are to read the passage alone. If
students finish early, they are to draw a picture of the story. However, once all
students are done, we will determine as a whole class the answers for question #1-3
above through a two step process:
1. Determine which type of question it is. Through determining this, students are
able to understand exactly what might be expected of them.
2. Directly find the information in order to answer the question.
This will all be done with students in order to prevent confusion and anger.
Independent Practice (interim assessment):
Students will individually create their own questions from within the reading, and will
practice the QAR process in determining which type of question-answer should be
used. Students are to create 3 of their own questions in writing, and determine how to
answer it.
Discussing and revisiting the text: After students have practiced the QAR, I will ask
students to identify actions in the book and list the consequences that came from those
actions. I will start off by stating the question: What caused alberts mom to call
aliens when she meant to call her husband? Together as a class, we will determine
what type of question is being asked to aid us in finding the answer. For example, this
question is a think and search questions, which means that it is found in the text but on
different pages. As a class, they will discover that the cause of this event was Albert
breaking the hologram machine. Then I will have students share examples that they
remember from the story of cause and effect, or ask questions about the effect or
cause of an event. If students do not remember certain events, I will take them back to

the page where the event happened and we will reread the text. During this time, we
will apply the QAR method to answering all of our questions.
Extending the meaning. We will revisit one the first questions that I asked, which
was has anything ever dramatically changed your life? Then I will explain to them
how every action has a positive or negative consequence. Then I will use real life
examples such as what happens in Mrs. Johnstons class when you break a rule?
Then I will ask them to explain to me why it is important to understand how actions
affect outcomes, or affect the ending to a story.
5. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):
a. For those students who finish quickly they will be given three options:
reread the story, write a poem about the main characters in the story, or
draw a picture about the climax of the story. For those students who
would need extra time reading, I would just allow them to continue
reading at their own pace with my needed instruction. Those who have
already finished can participate in the activities listed above.
b. Students will be given directions for what to do when they finish
2 min.

reading before actually reading the text.

6. Closure:
a. The students ticket out the door today will be to describe the QAR
strategy and the 4 different types of questions.
b. Students must restate the objectives as learning statements.
c. I will go through the important point of todays lesson with them:
remember our work during the magic e vowel patterns and remember

how characters actions determine how the story will end.

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