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Tour of CSC SWOT (please type the report)

Date of Tour October 13, 2015 _

Name of Student Mitch Dorner
Name of tour guide: Laura Sampson
1. What is your job title and how long have you been working for Miami?
Head of bills, 10 years
2. What is the favorite part of your job?
Working with the students
3. What is the least favorite part of your job?
Filing receipts
Number of
Est. Cost of
Who purchases
Items in
the food?
66 Truckloads


John Brubacher

Who purchases
the equipment?

Who sets up
the food

John Brubacher

How do the dining halls order the food? What is the process?
1. Dining Hall counts number of trays served each day
2. Count is sent to CSC
3. Orders are made and delivered to CSC 2 days earlier
4. Food is delivered to hall 1 day before service
Who does the hiring
How many hours a day are
How many full time
for the CSC? HR
considered full time? 40
employees on staff?
What is a prime vendor?
Name a few.
Pepsi, Castellini (produce)
External Threats: What/who is the Competition?

How can a
student apply
to work
Apply online

How many Part-time staff?

Restaurants uptown, other colleges/universities

External Opportunities: Future Trends?
Focus groups to relay student suggestions
What changes would you make to the operation?
More al a carte options
What are some industry professional organizations dealing with college food service ?
NACFS (National association of college food services)
How often is establishment inspected and by what agency?
2x a twice randomly by
Internal Strengths: such as quality of food, skill level of employees, work hours
All food is made fresh
Internal Weaknesses: policies, labor, quality of food, strategic planning
Labor shortage, allergenic foods
What three things did you learn from this tour? Please answer using complete sentences.
1. All CSC employees are recognized as Miami employees.
2. CSC runs MU strEATS.
3. A good amount of student suggestions are actually considered.

What is
the rate of
pay for
Varies, min.
- $9+

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