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Three sources for Annotated Bibliography.

1. Theresa Phillips (2008), Genetically Modified Organisms. Retrieved from
This article tells us all about GMOs. How we use them, what we use them on, and
the Ricks and Controversies surrounding the use of GMOs. The author provides
tables of GMOs resulting from Agriculture. By the use of logos, she organizes her
paragraphs with the topic just before she starts them. History and International
Regulations of GMO research and development is also included.
Which research question is answered:
The research question that this article answers is, Essence and exigence. What are
GMOs? By providing how they are used and what they are used for, the author
portrays and clear understanding to her audience of exactly what GMOs are.

2. Norman E. Borlaug (2000), Ending World Hunger. The Promise of

Biotechnology and the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry. Retrieved from
Norman E. Borlaug tells us how to end world hunger with the use of GMOs. He
explains what we can expect from Biotechnology. He adds how we as the general
public can stand up to the antiscience crowd. The world has or will soon have the
agricultural technology available to feed the 8.3 billion people anticipated in the
next quarter of a century shows us how the use of Pathos makes a great impact on
this article
Which research question is answered:
The research question that is answered is cause and effect. How do GMOs affect
our society? By the authors use of Pathos, the pros of having GMOs are greatly

3. Amy W. Ando, Madhu Khanna (2000). Environmental Costs and Benefits of

Genetically Modified Crops.

This article includes environmental costs and benefits associated with agricultural
genetically modified organism. The authors tell the audience how animal, plants,
and society are impacted. By reviewing evidence on the effects of GMOs, the
authors show us the benefits that GMOs can accomplish.
What research question is answered:
The question that is answered is value. Why are GMOs important? By providing how
biotechnology can produce fewer peticides, etc, the value is greatly expressed
within this article.

4. Clare Marris (2001) views on GMOs: deconstructing the myths.
This article tells the audience of the different views of GMOs. Because of the bad
reputation in Europe, anit-GMO people accuse proponents of pushing this kind of
science without considering environmental and health risks. The author goes on to
disprove myths with pro and anti GMO camps. He describes his groups results
from the public acceptance of Agricultural Biotechnologies to demonstrate how all
the myths are unsubstantiated.

What research question is answered:

Action. What can be done to prevent this. With my topic Why people are afraid of
GMOs This article will help me disprove myths about GMOs so people wont
believe in them anymore.

5. Mark Lynas (2013) Time to call out the anti-GMO conspiracy theory.
The author of this article, Mark Lynas , literally calls out the anti-GMO conspiracy
theory. He includes that people have been generating fear and misunderstanding
about this kind of science all around the world. He explains that this situation is
important because GMOs gives us what we need when it comes to our food, plants,
and other organisms. He speaks for the scientists behind GMOs to help prove that
these conspiracies are only conspiracies.
What research question is answered:

The question that is answered is why does this happen? With my topic, the
question answers Why are people afraid of GMOs. This article helps answer those
questions by providing all the conspiracies and views from a historian.

6. Molly Reeder (2001) Genetically Modified Organisms: Good or Bad?

Molly Reader explains why GMOs are a controversial matter. She include both the
pros and cons of having GMOs. Rather than having a one sided argument, the
author is sure to mention both bad and good things about GMOs. She ends her
piece by stating that she believes GMOs are good, and can save less developed
nations from starvation.
Which research question is answered:
The question that is answered has to do with value. Why is this important? By
including the pros and the cons of GMOs, the good is highlighted more than the bad
within this article.

7. Yamaguchi, D. GMO Research Paper.

The author tells us all about GMOs and why they are desirable. He introduces that
there are many controversies with GMOs according to people who are against
them. He explains the different kinds of GMOs are how they are made. He also
included how they are being test by the FDA to see if there are any problems within
Which research question is answered:
This article answers the question on Essence and existence. What defines a GMO?
by the author including how they are made, why, and how they are tested.

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