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Classroom Management Beliefs

The most important factor governing student learning is Classroom

Management (Wong, 2009, p. 80). Having sound and effective management within my
classroom is a large factor in creating a welcoming classroom environment. When
students feel comfortable and loved within the classroom, they are more successful in
their education. Due to all of this being true, my personal management beliefs center
around five key concepts:

I believe the first step in creating a well-managed classroom is constructing an
organized environment. This begins before the school year even starts through
setting up the classroom to create a welcoming environment, contacting
stakeholders, creating rules, norms, and procedures, and even scripting my
first day (Wong and Wong, 2009, p. 89-123). Organization can also be done
through intangible ways, such as setting up rules, routines, norms, and
procedures (Wong & Wong, 2009, p. 165).

I believe that it is of extreme importance for educators to have empathy for their
students in order to strengthen their relationship, build trust, and earn respect. I
believe in using empathy in the classroom through Love and Logic. According
to Jim Fay, there are two rules behind love and logic. The first is that adults set
firm boundaries in loving ways without anger, lecture, or threats. The second
rule is that when the child causes a problem the adult hands it back in loving
ways (Fay, 1996).

I believe encouragement is the most powerful teaching tool available to
teachers. Few things motivate good class behavior as much as large amounts
of encouragement from teachers (Charles & Senter, 2005). Encouragement is
necessary for students to be shown that they are capable, to help them
connect with their classmates, and building up student confidence so that they
are willing to contribute.

I believe that teachers need to be aware of the environment surrounding them,
and of their students emotions. Through withitness, teachers use multitasking,
classroom awareness, alertness, intuition, and confidence all in a way that
portrays a powerful image to students in the classroom (Pressman, 2011).

I believe that the most important thing a teacher can provide in the classroom
during the first few weeks of school, and throughout the res of the year is
consistency (Wong & Wong, 2009)

Classroom Assessment Beliefs

I believe that it is of great important to gather data from students that is a
true reflection of their learning. Due to this, I believe that it is important to allow
students different options for assessments and allow them multiple times to take
the assessment to truly reflect their learning. In assessing students, it is also
important that I gather data before summative assessments to prove that
students understand the objectives.

I will create assessments that give students the opportunity to choose how they
display their mastery of content. For example, I will provide a menu board of
options for students to display their knowledge.

I will use formative, interim, and summative assessments in a way that provides
me sufficient data, and allows me to shift my instruction to enhance student

I will use appropriate types of assessment methods (such as personal

communication, performance, etc.) depending upon the learning target (Stiggins,
et. Al., 2007, p. 92).

I will communicate all assessment data to all stakeholders in the way that they
will best be able to comprehend the data (for example: students, principle,
parents, the state).

I will create lessons using Backwards by Design (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998).

I will use assessment data to shift my instructional practices to benefit student


I will only assess students when it is shown through interim assessment that they
will be successful on the summative assessment.

Allow students multiple opportunities to show their mastery of a standard.

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