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November 17

Since so many experts have already gone in depth about the nature of
artificial intelligence, I feel that the purpose of my inquiry is to more inform people
not aware about the implications of an artificial intelligence. When people think of
AI, they either think of GPS or of Skynet, both of which are extremes. My goal is to
let people make their own decisions about AI, and also to give my opinion on the
matter as well. My opinion being one that could possibly help us as a species
survive and thrive with the onset of AI, if that is possible. The prospects are both
exciting, and terrifying,, giving a feeling of anxious anticipation to many people
who look into this field. Of course we will never know what will happen until it does
happen, and theres no knowing if we could even affect it once it does happen, but
we can try the best that we can to have the outcome favor us.

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