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Nadia Williams

ITEC 7500: Capstone & Portfolio

Fall 2015
Standard 3.5 Artifact

Artifact Name: Hand Coding Practice

Artifact Contents:
<h1>Visual Design Principals</h1>
<p>Visual design principles can be used to make web sites more readable and
<p>Short definitions of each of the design principles:</p>
<table style="width:300px">
<td><b>Design Principle</b></td>
<td>Items on the page are lined up with each other</td>
<td>Items that are physically close to each other have inferred relationship</td>
<td>Certain elements throughout a project are repeated</td>

<td>Differences in text, size, font, color, graphics, and texture that create focal points
where appropriate</td>
<p>We use visual design principles to do the following:</p>
<li>Help the user know what is important on the page</li>
<li>Help guide the user's reading</li>
<li>Make the page attractive</li>
<li>Provide a connection between multiple pages</li>
<p>The following YouTube video, <i>Visual Design Principles for e-Learning Part I,</i>
provides an overview of these principles to e-learning environments.</p>
<iframe width="210" height="157" src="//"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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